There are 240 articles

  • Social Media addiction

    The advent of the internet was a major breakthrough in the history of the human race; it brought a great revolution along with it and has been a helpful tool for preachers, seekers of knowledge and workers in all areas of human benefit. It opened endless opportunities for the common people and also proved to be a useful means for the idle, small-minded.. More

  • Mistakes that could destroy your marriage

    In any marriage, it is natural to have some intellectual or behavioural differences. However, the relationship may reach the brink of danger if bad behaviour leads to fundamental differences between the spouses. According to specialists, some women adopt patience and forbearance, and they possess mental and emotional skills that enable them to handle.. More

  • What After Ramadan?

    Ramadan is a level playing field wherein people compete with each other in good deeds and benevolence. During this blessed month, souls are trained in virtue and accustomed to dignity, they learn to disdain vices, sins and acquire all good attributes. Whoever witnesses this month without gaining any of its rewards is indeed poor, and nothing cripples.. More

  • Some Characteristics of the Muslim Home

    One of the great blessings that Allah, the Exalted bestowed upon mankind is the provision of homes that give them shelter and tranquility. He reminded them of this blessing in the Quran in chapter An-Nahl (The Bees). It also known as the chapter of blessings, as it speaks of numerous blessings conferred by Allah upon mankind. Allah, the Exalted Says.. More

  • Family disintegration and its relation to child delinquency

    Family disintegration is one of the most common problems that family members encounter in modern society. Sadly, the relationships between family members have become (overwhelmingly) marked with indifference, neglect, and slackness. Neither the father nor the mother is concerned with strengthening family relationships, and each of them is preoccupied.. More

  • Children and good behavior

    What is good behavior? Is it to help one's mother at home? Is it not to raise one's voice when speaking with her? Is it to help one's father with his work? Is it to be quiet and not disturb others? Is it to do homework on time? Is it one or all of these things? The situation differs from one home to another and from one family to another. This.. More

  • The company we choose to keep

    Times New Roman",serif">Allah has blessed me with many wonderful friendships throughout my life. Most have served as a comforting, healing balm that has pulled me through some of the more difficult times of my life. Others have created so much drama and turmoil that I couldn't cut them loose fast enough! I have friendships that have followed.. More

  • Sharing Religious Spirituality with Spouse

    Question Assalamu alaykum: I have been married for a few years. My husband agreed to accept Islam. We agreed to live as Muslims by performing the prayer and the fast to begin with. Praise be to Allah, we lived good years practicing Islam together and even managed to get out of interest by selling some of our property. To give you a brief background.. More

  • Struggling with Severe OCD

    Question Asalamu alaykum, Shaykh. May Allah bless u. Please read everything before answering the question. I really need this question answered, and I have asked other shaykhs, but they did not give good answers like you. I am not insane, so you do not have to worry. I study at university and am at the top of my class. How can I be insane if I.. More

  • Doubs regarding Suitor

    Question Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I have a question regarding choosing a spouse and the ruling in Islam. I have known an Arab man from Algeria for about a year and two months, and I am a Muslim non-Arab. He is 29 while I am 33 years old and have been divorced since more than two years. We met about four months ago, and he visited.. More

  • Sexual Drive

    The enemies of Islam use sexual drive as a weapon to destroy the Muslim Ummah. They regard the power and influence of this weapon as more effective than a thousand assault rifles. Hence, they have inundated us with showers of temptations and drowned us in the seas of sexual desires. They concluded that “You raise youths in Muslim lands that.. More

  • Doctor Bee

    In the Quran, Allah, The Almighty Says (what means): {And your Lord inspired the bees, saying: ‘Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect. Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy [for you].’ There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying color wherein is healing for.. More

  • Dispute and Arguments bring about Enmity

    In sessions, forums and dialogue, it is easy to observe people engaged in arguments, debate and disputes that may arouse discord and hostility. This is an evil and incurable characteristic that occupies many people. Dispute is Part of Man's Nature The Noble Quran clearly states that man is naturally argumentative, despite the evidence, arguments,.. More

  • Kindness to Children

    Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated: “Once the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and I went out during the day. While on the journey, he, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, did not talk to me and I did not talk to him. When we reached the market of Bani Qaynuqaa’, he, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, sat in the front-yard.. More

  • A glimpse of Islam's great concern for women

    1- When the religion of Islam was revealed to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, it was the custom of the people of the pre-Islamic era to hate and detest women. Allaah, the Exalted, Says (what means): {And when one of them is informed of [the birth of] a female, his face becomes dark, and he suppresses grief.} [Quran 16: 58] They disdained.. More