There are 2024 articles

  • The spread of Islam in Africa

    Ancient Ifreeqiyyah (Africa) and its Boundaries The Arabs call Africa 'Ifreeqiyyah.' They gave this name to the Eastern part of Barbary and called the western part of Barbary the Maghrib, the name used until today. The Romans called it Africa after the destruction of Carthage. They included Barbary in it and later called the whole continent as Africa... More

  • Black Seed (Nigella sativa): A cure for every disease

    Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: “Use this Black Seed regularly, because it is a cure for every disease, except death.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] What is the Black Seed? Its botanical name is Nigella sativa. It is believed to be indigenous to the Mediterranean region.. More

  • Conditions of Sale in the Islamic Economy

    1. Consent: A sale is not valid unless there is mutual consent between the two parties. In the Quran, Allah Almighty says (what means): {But only [in lawful] business by mutual consent.} [Quran 4:29] But, how can the consent condition be met between the two contracting parties? Scholars have three different opinions on how the consent condition.. More

  • Why Islamic History - I

    By: Uwaymir Anjum The great Indian Islamic scholar and historian Abu Al-Hasan ‘Ali An-Nadwi observes, like other sages of Islam have before, that Islam, being the last and universal religion of Allah, has a unique history of internal revival, reform and self-rejuvenation. Allah Almighty sent the message of Islam at a chosen moment in the development.. More

  • Why Islamic History - II

    By: Uwaymir Anjun Remarkably, the chapter of Al-‘Araaf, the Heights, the seventh chapter of the Noble Quran, has for its theme the topic that we are con¬cerned with here, that is, history. Or more precisely, it is about the manifestation of Allah's message of Tawheed, monotheism, in history and the various human responses to it. This theme.. More

  • Advice regarding Halloween

    Every year, on the evening of October 31st, millions of children across North America paint their faces, dress up in costumes, and go from door to door in order to collect treats. The adults often decorate their houses with ghostly figures, carve scary faces on pumpkins, and put candles in them to create 'Jack-O-Lanterns.' Unfortunately, among the millions.. More

  • Dealing with Halloween: 13 tips for parents

    Suppose that your kids have come home on Halloween night (October 31) and begged you to go trick-or-treating. They can't wait for all of the bubble gum, lollipops and jawbreakers, not to mention dressing up in a Pokemon or witch costume like the rest of their friends. You watch all of this in dismay. Knowing that Halloween is about Shirk (making partners.. More

  • Mosque attacks show xenophobia on the rise in Germany

    In 2009, two mosques were vandalised in the country. The number rose sharply to 99 in 2015. On a cold September evening in the German town of Dresden a bomb exploded outside a mosque. No one was hurt, but the sense of fear that had gripped Muslims in the city since 2015 reached fever pitch. "We have been expecting something like this for a long.. More

  • Bid’ah (Innovation) - I

    The Islamic definition of Bid’ah: Imam Ash-Shafi’i, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: “A Bid’ah is anything that has no basis in the Quran, Sunnah or sayings of any of the companions, may Allaah be pleased with them.” Ibn Al-Jawzi, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: “A Bid’ah is any form of worship.. More

  • Sharia Stance on Astrology - II

    Texts on the sharia ruling on astrology: There are some reported sharia texts that discuss astrology and clarify its relevant rulings and issues. Since it is included in the practice of divination and is part of the world of magic and sorcery, astrology is prohibited under the sharia and is ranked as one of the grave major sins. It is narrated on.. More

  • Sharia Stance on Astrology - I

    In the thick of the battle of the Islamic sharia to free minds from the errors of illusions and myths, as well as the falsities of soothsaying and divination, it has nullified all the customs of the pre-Islamic era that pertained to this practice. The sharia has adopted a strict stance regarding this issue through clarification, warning, advising and.. More

  • Islam's Care about Private Sanctities

    Islam urged the preservation of sanctities with all their different social forms, including preserving the tongue from backbiting and tale bearing as well as preserving lives, properties, and honors. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: O you people who believe with their tongues while faith has not entered their hearts, do not backbite.. More

  • Methods of Tafseer - I

    The Quran is the last Book revealed by Allah Almighty. He has promised to protect it from any distortion or loss. Allah Says in the Quran (what means): “Verily, We have revealed the Reminder (the Quran) and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)." [Quran 15:9] Its written and recited forms have been preserved without even the slightest.. More

  • Paying through installments

    Definition: It is a postponed payment executed in a fixed number of instalments at determined times, with a price higher than the cash price. Is such a sale allowed? Scholars have two opinions: 1-The first opinion: Many scholars of the Hanafi, Maaliki, Hanbali, and Shafi’ee schools of jurisprudence rule that it is allowed. They present the following.. More

  • The Intelligent Educator

    One day in the school Faris rushed to the headmaster’s room and entered hurriedly without seeking permission, for the matter was serious and needed to be addressed urgently. He cried at the top of his voice, “Sir! Sir! I have to tell you about something of great importance.” The headmaster sat straight in his chair and paid great.. More