There are 2038 articles

  • Soothing ginger

    "And amongst them will be passed round vessels of silver and cups of crystal—crystal-clear, made of silver. They will determine the measure thereof (according to their wishes). And they will be given to drink there of a cup (of wine) mixed with zanjabeel (ginger), a spring there called salsabeel. And round about them will serve boys of everlasting.. More

  • Sa'eed Ibn 'Aamir Al-Jumahi

    The young man named Sa'eed Ibn 'Aamir Al-Jumahi, may Allaah be pleased with him, was one of the throng of thousands who had gone to At-Tan'eem, on the outskirts of Makkah, in answer to the call of the chieftains of the tribe of Quraysh, to witness the death of Khubayb Ibn 'Adiyy, may Allaah be pleased with him, one of the companions of Muhammad, sallallaahu.. More

  • Anti-Palestinian arson attacks on the rise

    This week, Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Nazareth had a note delivered at his home. It warned that he and his followers had until May 5 to leave the "land of Israel". On Tuesday April 29, Israeli police announced that a Jewish man from Safed had been arrested after delivering that note. In a similar incident, vandals.. More

  • A Believer Lives Between Hope and Fear

    A believer lives his life being aware of two things: the first is his shortcomings, sins, and whether his good deeds are being wasted or whether he is becoming deceived due to performing good deeds and becoming complacent and self-satisfied. The second is hoping for the forgiveness of Allah The Almighty and His great mercy, which results from the first. Some.. More

  • Myanmar's Rohingya face a humanitarian crisis

    Ruk and Kun Suma were born five minutes apart on March 27 in a camp for displaced Rohingya in Rakhine State, a northwestern province of Myanmar. Their mother, an emaciated 40-year-old woman named Noor Begun, suffers from tuberculosis and is unable to breastfeed them. The family cannot afford milk either. For the first two weeks of their lives, Ruk and.. More

  • Syrian refugees struggle in urban Jordan

    Three years after fleeing their war-torn country, more than half a million Syrian refugees living in Jordan’s urban centres have become more vulnerable and destitute, a new study has revealed. A household assessment released by CARE International on Thursday found that urban Syrian refugees are struggling to cope with inadequate housing and high.. More

  • UN: Syria drought to deepen food crisis

    The United Nations has warned that a looming drought in Syria could push millions more people into hunger and exacerbate a refugee crisis caused by the three-year conflict. Syria's breadbasket northwestern region has received less than half of the average rainfall since September and, if it stays dry up to wheat harvest time in mid-May, the country.. More

  • Mutual Rights - Good Companionship - III

    One day, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, told ’Aa‘ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, the lengthy Hadeeth of Umm Zar‘, which was narrated by Muslim, may Allah have mercy upon him, and was explained by some scholars in volumes due to its enormous pearls of wisdom and meanings. After the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi.. More

  • Mutual Rights - Good Companionship - II

    4- In disputes and arguments. Living in kindness implies that when a dispute arises between the spouses, the husband should define the points of dispute and explain her mistake to her, if she is the one who is mistaken. This should be done in a way that involves no reproof or scolding, particularly if he wants her to admit something. When she admits,.. More

  • Mutual Rights-Good Companionship - I

    The mutual rights that Allah The Almighty has enjoined on both the spouses represent His utmost justice. There are two major rights. There are two main rights: the right to good companionship, and the right to overnight stay and equal distribution. In this series we will address the first of these rights. First: The right to good companionship Muslims.. More

  • Report: Racism becoming more widespread in France

    Racism has increased among French people according to an annual report by the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) on the fight against racism. The report released Tuesday said 35 percent of surveyed French people acknowledged being racist comparing to 29 percent in 2012. Nine percent among them said they are "quite.. More

  • Spite

    Spite is a heavy burden that the person carries which results in his own misery, occupies his thinking, ruins his mind and adds to his grief and anxiety. The strange thing is that ignorant people insist on carrying this heavy evil load, until they satisfy their ego and take revenge from the one whom they hate and envy. Spite eats much of the virtue.. More

  • Beating the Child

    “My children do not listen to anything I say. What should I do? Although I know that it is a wrong method, I usually scold and beat my children. I usually feel angry with them and then with myself. I can not bear this type of life; there must be another solution.” With these words, the sighs of the hopeless father who beats his children.. More

  • Seeking shelter in Iraqi Kurdistan

    Holding her son's death certificate in one hand, Layla Awad explained that she had been provided with basic aid but struggles financially after the men in her family were killed in November. "Both of my sons are dead but I have not been given their pension yet," she said. Awad's two sons and husband were killed in an attack in Fallujah,.. More

  • The mother of my child

    I'm not a mother. But I've been blessed with a great one for almost a quarter century. That's education enough, at least for one thing: Choosing a partner who embodies the top four qualities I believe a mother must have to help their Muslim children, in the words of the Quran (which mean), {"He made her grow in a good manner…"} [Quran.. More