There are 2038 articles

  • Raising children in non-Muslim societies

    Raising children in an Islamic way in a non-Muslim society needs everyone’s effort with no exception, starting with the parents’ efforts, to the Mosque’s, to the community’s efforts. All of these roles are important. The stronger these roles are and the more mutually complementary to one another, the better the raising process.. More

  • Oppression and Intrigue, and the Ultimate Punishment - II

    Meaning of the planning of Allah The Almighty As is common knowledge, the manner in which Allah The Almighty plans, fits His Majesty; it indicates the way in which He inflicts punishment on those who conspire evil against His allies and Messengers, which is countering their schemes with good plans. Therefore, while their plots are most vile, the planning.. More

  • Oppression and Intrigue, and the Ultimate Punishment - I

    The tradition of Allah The Almighty has no scope for favoritism or flattery, as He Says (what means): {You will not find in the way of Allah any change} [Quran 33:62], and, in fact, stresses in another place, {You will never find in the way of Allah any change.} [Quran 35:43] The fair Sharee‘ah neither distinguishes between equals nor renders.. More

  • Steadfast Love of Allah - II

    The Real Life is that of the Lovers of Allah The Almighty It is true that there is no real life except that of those whose eyes are comfortable with their Beloved. Their souls find rest with Him, and their hearts are reassured with Him. They enjoy being close to Him and are delighted with His love. Indeed, there is a need in the heart that is not satisfied.. More

  • Steadfast Love of Allah - I

    Love of Allah The Almighty is a degree for which people compete and which worshippers aspire to; forerunners hurried to realize it and lovers devote themselves to it, and worshippers are pleasantly relieved by its breeze. Love of Allah nourishes hearts and souls, and delights the eyes. It is life, a light, a cure, and a delight! If a person is deprived.. More

  • Children caught up in Afghan war

    In what had become a daily ritual, Anisa Shahghasi said goodbye to her son, Nawab, with prayers on her lips and a quick wave of her hand. The world outside their cramped Kabul home was fraught with dangers. And like every other mother in the Afghan capital - which still witnesses regular bombings and deadly attacks - Anisa wished for her son’s.. More

  • Why We Don’t Go to Hajj - II

    Even with the high cost of a Hajj trip, with all the accommodations and fees and services, the irony of the Western Muslim family is that many actually do have the financial ability to go to Hajj. The problem for them is not how much money they have but how much is left over. These families have plenty of money, praise is (due) to Allah, but their.. More

  • Why We Don’t Go to Hajj - I

    Each year, millions of people around the world travel by land, sea and air to make the obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah. We know friends and family that are going to Hajj and we make sure to wish them well at the Mosque or even see them off at the airport. Sometimes we make special house calls to visit a friend at home before he leaves; we ask that he.. More

  • Western report - Iran ships arms, personnel to Syria via Iraq

    Iran has been using civilian aircraft to fly military personnel and large quantities of weapons across Iraqi airspace to Syria to aid President Bashar al-Assad in his attempt to crush an 18-month uprising against his government, according to a Western intelligence report seen by Reuters. Earlier this month, U.S. officials said they were questioning.. More

  • Whispering is the Devil’s Weapon - II

    Methods of Treating Whispering in Matters Pertaining to Creed There are two methods for protecting one’s self against the devil’s whispering in matters pertaining to creed and faith: The first one is a preventative method, which means protecting one’s self against the whispering before it even takes place by fortifying one’s.. More

  • Whispering is the Devil’s Weapon - I

    There is no doubt that the enmity between man and the devil is ancient. It started when Allah ordered the angels to prostrate to Aadam, may Allah exalt his mention, and Satan refused this in arrogance and declared war against the sons of Aadam. Allah The Almighty Says about this (what means): {[Iblees] said, “By Your might, I will surely mislead.. More

  • Education suffers in East Jerusalem

    As thousands of Palestinian youth began the new school year last week, serious concerns have been raised over how a systemic lack of facilities, resources and investment into East Jerusalem schools is impacting the level of education. According to a recent report released by human rights groups the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and.. More

  • Who is held to account for civilian deaths by drone in Yemen?

    There is a history of Yemeni officials lying to protect the US, and the Pentagon and CIA greeting queries with obfuscation. When news flashed of an air strike on a vehicle in the Yemeni city of Radaa on Sunday afternoon, early claims that ‘al-Qaida militants had died’ soon gave way to a more grisly reality. At least 10 civilians had been.. More

  • Our Father Favors Our Brother Over Us - II

    Jealousy is misery and enmity: Jealousy is common in children aged 1-5 years, but this emotion and feeling may be so overwhelming to the extent that it will disturb the child’s social adjustment. In this case, jealousy is the origin of all the strange and abnormal behavior of the child, because, the jealous child can never feel safe or happy.. More

  • Our Father Favors Our Brother Over Us - I

    A child’s memoir: I was finally born after nine months in my mother’s womb; that dark and narrow place that forced me to stay in strange positions. Later, I discovered that my birth was a happy event that my family had eagerly awaited and my mother was counting the days and getting happier as her abdomen got larger. When I kicked her.. More