1. Women
  2. Family in Ramadan

There are 44 articles

  • The Best Way to Spend Ramadan

    The blessed month of Ramadan reminds the believing Muslims of the importance of the Quran, with which Allah The Almighty has honored humanity by revealing it during this month. He, The Almighty, Says (what means): {“The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion.&rdquo.. More

  • ‎Our Children in Ramadan‎

    ‎‎Raami returned home after decorating the street with his friends and playing with firecrackers to celebrate the advent of the month of Ramadan. As soon as he returned, he went to his room as he was very tired and fell asleep. He woke up when his father called him to have Suhoor (the pre-dawn meal),‎ "Raami, get up! Today is the first.. More

  • Ramadan: The Month of Maintaining Kinship Ties - IV

    Among the best ethics that should be followed in dealing with relatives is tolerating their reproaches and interpreting them in the best possible way. This is the moral standard of the virtuous and the customary behavior of noble people, who strive to perfect their chivalry, morals and honor. They are the ones who deal with others in a spirit of tolerance,.. More

  • Ramadan: The Month of Maintaining Kinship Ties - III

    Let us discuss the factors that help in maintaining ties of kinship and the code of ethics that we should observe with our relatives. Among these ethics is reflecting upon the consequences of maintaining ties of kinship. Knowing the fruits of something and visualizing its results is one of the greatest motives for performing an act. The same applies.. More

  • Ramadan: The Month of Maintaining Kinship Ties -II

    In spite of the great value of maintaining ties of kinship, many people neglect this virtuous act and deny the right of their relatives to their money, authority and even their kind treatment. Months, perhaps even years pass by without visiting them, being friendly towards them by their words or deeds, fulfilling their needs or protecting them from.. More

  • Ramadan: The Month of Maintaining Kinship Ties - I

    Ramadan is the month of righteousness and the month of sympathy and mercy, thus by default it is the month of maintaining ties of kinship. During this month hearts are softened by remembering Allah The Almighty and souls respond to the one who calls towards Him. The outcome of this is nothing but good deeds and drawing nearer to the Lord of the heavens.. More

  • A Practical Program for the Family in Ramadan

    It is one of the blessings of Allah The Almighty upon the Muslims that He prescribed for them fasting the month of Ramadan. He made Ramadan an opportunity for the individual, family, and the whole society to seek perfection in faith, and improve their level of determination and morals to lead a happy life. In doing so, their hearts get closer to their.. More

  • Rulings on Fasting Children-II

    The ruling on the fasting of the child who has not attained puberty Q: What is the ruling on the fasting of the child who has not attained puberty? A: The fasting of the child, as we have already mentioned, is not obligatory on him. However, it is incumbent upon his parent to enjoin it upon him, in order to get accustomed to it. The fasting of the.. More

  • Rulings on Fasting Children-I

    This is a group of chosen Fatwas (religious rulings) given by scholars about the fasting of our beloved children. When should a child fast? Q: When should a child start fasting? At which age does it become obligatory for him to fast? A: A child is commanded to pray when he is seven years old, and should be lightly beaten for leaving it when he is.. More

  • The Married Couple in Ramadan

    The blessed month of Ramadan carries sublime implications for human life in general and the marital life in particular. It is a great opportunity for the spouses to draw closer to each other and for all family members to maintain kinship ties. Gathering on obedience and worship in an atmosphere of faith increases love and affection in marital life... More

  • Recommendations for parents regarding training children to fast

    Ramadan is the best month to train your child and teach him how to overcome the desires of his body and develop his ability to shoulder responsibility. It has been proven that the month of Ramadan is the best time to train children to perform religious obligations at an early age. Al-Bukhari and Muslim, may Allah have mercy upon them, narrated that.. More

  • How Do our Children View Ramadan?

    The manner in which children view Ramadan and its importance to their life in this world and in the Hereafter varies from one child to another according to theimpetus that they get before and during Ramadan, what their parents accustom them to and the extent of the influence of their parents’ culture and concerns. Some children consider Ramadan.. More

  • A Ramadan challenge for your family

    A super–clean house. Extra cooking. Extra prayers. Packed social calendar. Does this describe a familiar Ramadan? It seems we get into these comfortable patterns of "Ramadan living". As parents, what does this teach our kids about the significance of Ramadan? That Ramadan is a time of celebration and social gathering? In part it is,.. More

  • Children in Ramadan

    Laying down the book I looked up at Tessniem. "OK, so what are we going to do this Ramadan?" Her cheerful face lit up. "Paint the windows." Looking at my pretty white sheers I forced my head to nod. "OK, what else do we do during Ramadan?" Omar jumped off the couch… "Not eat, ah, I mean fast." "That's.. More

  • Extravagance and waste

    With Ramadan fast approaching, now is a good time to reflect on our behavior and the values that we hold dear, making sure that they are in line with the standards that Allah the Almighty has set for us all. This can be one of the greatest challenges for believers. The world today celebrates superficiality and excess, placing greater value on material.. More