There are 923 articles

  • "R" is for Ramadan and resolution – II

    Another sense of precedence for setting goals should come from the fact that Allah Almighty has made certain things obligatory for Muslims while encouraging them toward other levels of worship (Sunan and Nawaafil, that is, the desirable and the additional). Some Muslims focus more on the later (like the Taraaweeh prayers) to the neglect of the obligation.. More

  • "R" is for Ramadan and resolution – I

    It is customary among many peoples to set New Year resolutions. The majority of people lose their newfound resolve, however, within just a few months. This is mainly because few of us know how to set goals for our self-promises. Even less have an action plan to achieve them. The best time to set resolutions or renew intentions for Muslims is not in.. More

  • How we should receive Ramadan - II

    5. Receiving Ramadan by making the best use of time Time is very precious because every minute that passes can never return. Ramadan is also a means of success or failure, salvation or destruction… Amongst the obligatory and recommended acts of worship in Ramadan are: First: Fasting during the daytime: Allah The Almighty Says (what means):.. More

  • How we should receive Ramadan - I

    People have various ideas and ways of receiving the blessed month of Ramadan and invest this occasion in fulfilling their favorite actions and activities. Some of them make this an occasion for laziness, idleness, sleep and neglecting the different acts of obedience that they could otherwise be doing. Others find this a good opportunity for watching.. More

  • Glittering stars in Ramadan – I

    It was narrated that Imaam Maalik, may Allah have mercy upon him, would take leave of his friends after completing his lessons of knowledge in order to contemplate the life of the Companions of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and study the books that mention them and read their stories so that he could follow their footsteps and make.. More

  • Glittering stars in Ramadan – II

    7. The Great Striving of Women and Elderly Old Men During Ramadan: The Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, were keen on standing in prayer for a long time in spite of their old age. In fact, this matter never hindered them from making lengthy prayer. Sa‘eed ibn ‘Aamir narrated that Asmaa’ ibn ‘Ubayd said, “We.. More

  • The Most Hope-inspiring Verses in the Quran

    Scholars, may Allaah have mercy upon them, have spoken a lot about the most hope-inspiring verses in the Quran which opens the door of hope wide before sinners like us, and their hearts will soften with the remembrance of Allah The Almighty. First verse ‘Ali, may Allaah be pleased with him, said, “The most hope-inspiring verse in the Quran.. More

  • Seek Nothing but Al-Firdaws - II

    Dear reader, Great ambition takes great will, Let us ask ourselves, If it is possible to be in the highest Firdaws and accompany the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and his Companions for eternity, and to be beside the Throne of the Most-Merciful Allah, why do you choose to be in a lower rank? Have you read the words of Ibn Al-Jawzi,.. More

  • Seek Nothing but Al-Firdaws - I

    Dear reader, we are still on our blessed journey in the Paradise of Allah, The Lord of The Worlds… We stopped at a wonderful scene while you were walking with your wife from the Hoors (maidens of Paradise) by the banks of the rivers which Allah The Exalted made flow beneath your palaces under your trees. Then, you reach another palace. Your.. More

  • At the Gates of Paradise - II

    See what excitement the believers will encounter on the Day of Resurrection! I imagine how they will feel – may Allah make you and us among the inhabitants of Paradise. After the horrors and hardships the believers saw befalling the sinners on the Day of Judgment and, before that, the trials and desires they patiently resisted in this life,.. More

  • At the Gates of Paradise - I

    Every now and then, the believer looks forward to something that raises his enthusiasm, motivates him to do righteous deeds, and strengthens the steadfastness in his heart. The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said that Allah The Almighty Says: "I have prepared for My righteous slaves what no eye has seen, no ear has heard,.. More

  • Call yourself to account before you are called to account - II

    (Continued) Tips that make self-reckoning easier There are some methods that would assist a person to call himself to account and make that process easier; they are as follows: 1. Knowing that the more effort he exerts in calling his soul to account in this world, the more he will be relieved in the Hereafter. Likewise, the more he neglects.. More

  • Call yourself to account before you are called to account - I

    First of all, have you ever been alone and checked and weighed what you have said or done previously? Have you ever tried to list your bad deeds in the same way as you think of your good deeds? Have you ever thought how you will be held accountable before Allah The Almighty while you are carrying such a heavy load of sins? How can you yield yourself.. More

  • Let Them Rejoice at That

    Why should we rejoice at the coming of Ramadan? What is so special about this month which makes it distinct from all the others of the year? • We should rejoice at the coming of Ramadan and welcome it with a heart that abounds in faith, hoping for the rewards of Allah, the Exalted, and (observe fasting) as a response to the command of Allah the.. More

  • Ramadan—Its Virtues, Pillars, Benefits, Acts of the Sunnah and Disliked Issues

    Fasting is one of the great pillars of Islam and it is an indisputably established fact of the religion. This was indicated by the Quran, the Sunnah, and the consensus (of the Muslims). Many narrations were reported about its virtue. There is no doubt that this honorable act of worship has some conditions, pillars, obligations and recommendations that.. More


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