There are 142 articles

  • When He Came to his Lord with a Sound Heart

    The topic of the sound heart is an important one. Allah, Glory be to Him, mentioned the issue of the sound heart in two noble verses, both of which came in the context of talking about the polytheistic position of the father of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) as opposed to the monotheistic stance of Ibrahim (sallallahu.. More

  • "You Should Have Fed Him"

    Author:Islamweb ‘Abbad ibn Shurahbil (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: I suffered from a year of famine, and I came upon a garden of somebody in Madinah, from which I picked up some ears of corn which I rubbed, ate some of its content, and put the rest in my garment. Then, the owner of the garden came and beat me, and took my.. More

  • Ramadan Is the Month of Supplication

    The verses on fasting include an amazing gesture that addresses the depth of the soul, touches the heart, rids the fasting person from the hardship he experiences, and makes him look forward to the full compensation and urgent reward. The fasting person can find compensation and reward when he draws closer to Allah, the Almighty, enjoys invoking Him,.. More

  • Spend Thirty Days in Paradise

    Those who seek the worldly life are indeed poor, because they depart from it without tasting the best thing in it. Had the kings and their sons been acquainted with the happiness we enjoy, they would have fought us with swords to get it. Sometimes one experiences pleasant moments when they say, "If the people of Paradise enjoy what we feel, they.. More

  • Spend without Fear for the Sake of Allah - I

    Safwaan ibn Umayyah who was a disbeliever (before he embraced Islam) once said,"The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, gave me what he had given me while he was the most hateful of people to me; and he continued to give to me until he became the dearest of all people to me."[Al-Bukhari] He gave him camels and sheep filling.. More

  • Spend Without Fear for the Sake of Allah - II

    Spending, whether in Ramadan or at any other time, is one of the important issues which should be well understood by the believers. This understanding is based on one thing, that is, this religion is not for the misers. Niggardly souls that are not righteous themselves are not fit to establish religion in others. The souls which withhold property, effort.. More

  • "He Who Provides a Fasting Person with Some Food to Break Fast, Earns the Same Reward as One Who Has Observed Fast "

    Zaid ibn Khalid Al-Juhani, may Allaah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “He who provides a fasting person with something to break his fast, will earn the same reward as the one who was observing the fast, without diminishing in any way the reward of the latter.” [Reported by.. More

  • Causes and effects of diseases of the heart

    Indeed, all sins poison the heart and lead to its illness and destruction. They sicken it and define its will as other than what Allah, the Almighty wants [of His servant], in effect being as harmful to the heart as actual poisons are to the body. Imam Ibn Al-Mubarak, may Allah have mercy upon him, said, “I have seen that sins cause the death.. More

  • The Practice of Self-Purification - III

    4. Lifelong commitment This principle deals with the question of effectiveness how can we insure that our tazkiyah efforts bear their expected fruits, help us achieve piety, and fulfill our purpose in this life? Allah Almighty gave a hint: "Take what We have given you with determination and remember what is in it, that perhaps you may become righteous&q.. More

  • The Practice of Self-Purification - II

    Principles of Tazkiyah As shown earlier, tazkiyah is a fundamental part of Prophet Muhammad's mission, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and his life constitutes a unique example of it. Together with his teaching, this example was responsible for altering the lives of his Companions to such an extent that they became the pinnacle and paradigm generation.. More

  • The Practice of Self-Purification - I

    Lexically, the Arabic word `tazkiyah' means purification and development—of anything—to the level of perfection. As a Quranic term, it expresses a way of ridding ourselves of flawed tendencies and leanings as well as providing one with the means to attain piety and to help our souls develop to become as perfect as humanly possible. In other.. More

  • What After Ramadan?

    Ramadan is a level playing field wherein people compete with each other in good deeds and benevolence. During this blessed month, souls are trained in virtue and accustomed to dignity, they learn to disdain vices, sins and acquire all good attributes. Whoever witnesses this month without gaining any of its rewards is indeed poor, and nothing cripples.. More

  • A Gate in Paradise for Those who Fast

    In a Hadeeth on the authority of Sahl ibn Sa‘d, may Allah be pleased with him, he said that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Paradise has eight gates, and one of them is called Ar-Rayyaan through which none will enter but those who observe fasting.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim] In another narration, the Prophet,.. More

  • Fasting expiates Sins

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.} [Quran 64:15] {Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.} [Quran 21:35] Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, commented on this.. More

  • The Signs of Acceptance and Rejection of Deeds

    There are several signs that signify whether our deeds have been accepted or rejected by our Lord. The foremost sign of acceptance is to be helped to do good deeds one after the other, whereas the sign of rejection is to do misdeeds after the good deeds. If one returns to his previous state of doing sins, misdeeds, indulgence and negligence, this indicates.. More


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