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1451 fatwas

  • Nasal mucus does not affect validity of ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. When I perform ablution and I have mucus that comes out of my nose and mixes with water on my skin, is my ablution valid? And should this mucus be removed every time it comes out? My mucus is fluid and comes out every time I perform ablution. May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Holding in gas after ablution or during prayer does not break the ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to know if holding gas after ablution or during prayers breaks the ablution? I do not know if there are differences among the schools of thought, but I want to know what the Maliki madhhab and other schools of thought say about that. .. More

  • Color of henna (mehndi) does not invalidate wudhoo and ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to apply mehndi (henna) to my hands. However, only chemical mehndi is readily available in the market, and my friend says that wudu (ablution) or ghusl (major ablution) is not right as long I have the color of chemical mehndi on my hands. Is she right? .. More

  • Performing ghusl without washing the ears

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a Hanafi, but I did not know that you had to wash your ears until today. Does this mean that all my previous ghusls (ritual shower) were invalid, and all my acts of worship based on those ghusls too? Is it obligatory to wash the feet if a person showers and then walk a few steps while doing so; for example, to get something from.. More

  • A stolen item is not ritually impure

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is the following: for example, I stay with people that are not really worried about eating stolen foods or using stolen perfumes and so on. If I get into contact with those foods, perfumes, and so on, can I then pray in this state, or do I have to wash it off? Please note that it is really hard to avoid. .. More

  • He pefrormed ghusl but forgot washing his ear until next day

    Assalaamu alaykum, this question is urgent. I want to ask you about continuity in ghusl (shower taken in case of major impurity). If I do ghusl and a day later realise that I did not wash my ear, then can I just continue to wash that part only on the next day? My next question is: if I only wash the part that I did not wash the day before, do I need.. More

  • Proper removal of impurity from the body

    If a cloth has been contaminated by urine, mathy, wadi, and so on, then it would certainly have to be rubbed while washing it for proper cleansing. But is this a necessary condition for a body part, such as the penis or the leg if it becomes contaminated with urine, mathy, wadi, and so on? Does this have to be rubbed while washing, or is pouring water.. More

  • Moisture on newborn's skin is ritually pure

    Assalaamu alaykum. 1. When does a newborn's first bath need to be after birth? The hospital I am going to believes that the 'slimy stuff' (I think its called vernix caseosa) is medically good for the baby and the baby's skin. Because of this, the hospital only wipes the baby after birth and will only bathe the baby after 2 days. 2. Do I need to request.. More

  • Growing the beard after shaving it

    Assalaamo alaykum. I have recently shaved my beard and deeply regret it. My parents tell me that the first or the natural beard is more special than the ones that come after shaving. Is this true? Also, does this mean that I should keep shaving, or should I let the second one grow and trim it only when it reaches a fist's length? Lastly, is this a major.. More

  • A case of waswaas regarding the impurity of shoes

    Assalaamu alaykum, I am suffering from the problem of waswaas (devilish whisperings), and I have OCD. Recently, I went to play soccer in a field that was covered in a lot of dung. I was unsure whether it was the dung of dogs or ducks etc. I mentioned ducks because a friend of mine said it could be from ducks while another friend of mine said it would.. More

  • Using mouthwash does not affect validity of ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. If I used mouthwash and it gave me that cool, minty feeling in my mouth and I then want to perform ablution, will it change the water when I put it in my mouth because I have that cooling feeling in my mouth (because of the effect of the mouthwash)? .. More

  • Inability to distinguish between drops of urine and water

    After urinating, I pass out some drops of urine and then it stops, but after that there is some release of water. I cannot differentiate between the two. What should I do? How to know whether it is water or not and if I can pray then. While prayer some water also comes out. I think that is just a normal secretion, not a problem. But how to differentiate.. More

  • Ruling on a woman performing Wudhoo’ before having intercourse again

    I am newly married & i like to have intercourse with my wife more than twice in the same night so what shoud i do after first intercourse for men i know we need to perfrom wudu (its better & refreshing) but for women what shud she do? ...shoud she take bath after first intercourse or shoud shoud take bath after second intercourse? .. More

  • Using only istijmaar to achieve purification

    Assalaamu alaykoum. If one uses toilet paper or stones to purify oneself after the call of nature, are the (intimate) parts considered purified? Then, if one touches the parts with his hand, does his hand become impure? May Allaah bless you. .. More

  • Mathy must be washed, not just sprinkled with water

    Can dried mathy be cleaned by being sprinkled with water? .. More