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1451 fatwas

  • Doubting whether he discharged semen or urine

    I have a problem with urinating while sleeping, but it is not so much that it wakes me up. However, I find a stain when I wake up in the morning and do not know whether it is only urine or not? I have this problem very often and want to know whether I have to perform ghusl or not. I do not remember having dreamt and did not feel any discharge. When.. More

  • Doubts about discharging drops after making ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. One day, after urinating and making ablution, I noticed a discharge, it was about two drops (on my genitals), however I disregarded what I saw as impossible and considered it Satanic whisperings. Later, on another day, I noticed the same thing and found that it was real! So what should I do about the prayer in that ablution and what.. More

  • Humans and cats do not become impure if they eat impure food

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a cat is given haram food to eat (like cat food with pork or other haram meat in it), does the cat itself become impure? Does anything that it touches or licks after that become impure? Also, if a human was to eat haram or impure food, would that person himself become impure? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Wiping ears in wudhoo is Sunnah

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sometimes, when I wipe the back of my ears with my thumbs in wudoo (ablution), my thumb does not cover all of the back of my earlobes. Is my wudoo still valid, or do I have to make sure that I wipe every small part of the back of my ear when I do wudoo. .. More

  • Urinating while call to prayer is being made

    Can I urinate while the muezzin is calling the azan? Some of my friends refrain from urinating during the azan thinking that it is forbidden. Likewise, can I continue doing my work like reading or writing during the azan, or should I repeat after the muezzin? .. More

  • Doubting washing the interior part of the ears after finishing ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum. I always perform the Sunnah ghusl (ritual bath) from janabah (state of major ritual impurity). Recently, I feel that I have unintentionally neglected washing the interior part of the ears (not the ear canal). I always wash behind the ears and wipe them during the wudu (ablution) part of ghusl, but I strongly suspect that I have not.. More

  • Sending impure clothes for washing

    I give my impure clothes for washing. People who wash my clothes put them in a washing machine or a tub and wash them once or twice or more . I do not know whether that is the correct method or not or if there is some difference of opinion. What should I do with clothes that were washed like this and with clothes of which I ignore how they were washed?.. More

  • Crying during prayer or Quran recitation does not invalidate ablution

    If a person's tears roll down from his eyes in between prayers due to worldly reasons, is his ablution be annulled? Or if he cries, similarly due to worldly reasons in between his reading of the Quran, will his ablution be annulled? .. More

  • Performing ghusl with streaming water (fountain, river, shower)

    Assalaamu alaykum. Dear brothers, I read some books about ghusl (ritual bath) with streaming water (fountain, river, shower). It says that with sreaming water, all of the acts of the Sunnah (related to it) will be fulfilled and one does not have to wash the body parts thrice. Can you give me some hadith about this please ? May Allaah bless all of the.. More

  • Trimming beard hair that grows on cheeks

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Praise be to Allaah, I am doing my best to grow my beard, as I have been commended. My issue is that my beard mostly grows on the cheeks with much less growing on the bottom of my face; thus, I look strange and unnatural. Is it okay for me to trim the sides enough to match the rest of my beard? May.. More

  • Mathy does not necessitate immediate ablution

    When I defecate, then sometimes, due to pressure, some semen or a white fluid (it may be mathiy) comes out, without feeling any pleasure, so I just wash it off and continue as normal. I have got to know that the emission of semen without feeling pleasure does not necessitates ghusl (ritual bath), but I am worried and wonder whether if it is mathiy I.. More

  • Feeling dizzy during ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum. During the hot months, the water from the shower is so hot that the small bathroom that I use becomes humid quickly. When doing ghusl (ritual bath), I sometimes feel dizzy when this happens. Just recently, in the middle of my ghusl (which I did standing), I was dizzy and was using the wall for support when I lifted one of my feet.. More

  • Shaving beard to get job

    Dear brother, I am an electrical engineer by profession, and I work for a consulting firm that provides engineering to oil and gas companies. In order to do that, we have to visit oil and gas sites and collect data. For oil and gas sites, the law orders to shave off the beard so that the gas mask can fit on the face without suffering any leaks (the.. More

  • Blood coming out of the womb before the fetus is fully formed

    My wife was two months pregnant when she experienced bleeding. I took her to hospital, and they told us that the fetus was dead and that my wife had to undergo a uterus cleaning surgery. My wife did not undergo the surgery back then. However, as time went by, the discharge of blood intensely increased. Before my wife underwent the surgery, blood had.. More

  • Purity of the water of a well near a sanitary tank

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to ask a question regarding the eligiblity of water to be used for ablution and ghusl (ritual bath). Here in the Maldives, we get lots of fresh water from wells. Likewise, our well also provides us with fresh well water. The problem, however, is that there is a sanitary tank near our well which I suspect is leaking and.. More