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1451 fatwas

  • How sufferer of urinary incontinence prepares for prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear brother, please answer my question directly and do not refer me to other fatwas as I have already seen many of them, and please give me the strongest opinion if there is a difference if opinion. The question is: Someone has urinary incontinence that happens with movement and would like to know.. More

  • Removing Maniyy and Mathi from your body

    With regards to Mathi (pre-ejaculatory fluid)and Mani (semen),are we supposed to wipe them off and pour water over the privates, or is pouring water without wiping sufficient? For example, if Mathi comes out and I wipe what is on the surface and then pour water, is that enough to purify, or should I wipe, pour water, and then wipe again multiple times?.. More

  • No need to wash legs after using restroom

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, is it true that it is from the Sunnah that whenever somebody goes to the toilet or restroom, they should wash their legs because they may have touched or stepped on impurity? If yes, then what is the quantity of water required? This has added to my Waswaas (obsessive whisperings),each time I go to relieve myself, I keep on.. More

  • Waswaas about purity from feminine discharge

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read that women have to perform ablution for every prayer due to the female discharge, and that discharge from the uterus is pure but impure from the urethra. I apply this as much as I can, and since I cannot distinguish between urethral and uterus discharge, I wash my private parts before every prayer and sprinkle water on my clothes.. More

  • Impurity of dogs - Command to kill black dogs

    Are dogs pure or impure? {Say: Lawful for you are [all] good foods and [game caught by] what you have trained of hunting animals which you train as Allah has taught you.} [Quran 5:4] Ibn Mughaffal reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,ordered killing the dogs and then said, “What about them?” (i. e. about other dogs).. More

  • Using wet wipes to remove impurity from smooth surfaces

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, can you advise if multi-purpose cleaning wipes can be used to clean impurities on smooth surfaces such as wardrobes, doors, handles, tables, and so on, because in this day and age, a lot of people use these? Is this method regarded pure? What about furnishings with pores? These are wet wipes that are antibacterial and kill.. More

  • Removing urine drops with wet towel

    Please, I realized that when I urinated, some tiny drops splashed on my thighs; I soaked a towel with water and cleaned these drops. I do not know whether what I did was right or not. Please tell me. I have looked through all the fatwas on urine but did not found a suitable answer. I feel that what I did was right since the water took away the impurity.. More

  • Using fabric softener that has beef products in ingredients

    I saw a fatwa here, but I need more clarification because it does not really go into detail about beef in non-edible products. If beef is used in fabric softener, but not pork, can we use it on our clothes even though we do not know if it was Zabiha beef, or is the ruling of Istihaalah applicable? If we cannot, and we have already used it, then are.. More

  • Bleeding because of breaking of hymen does not require Ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is quite a personal one, but it is important to know for me. It has been around a month since I got married. A day ago, I had sexual intercourse with my husband, and the next morning, I did Ghusl (ritual bath) as well; however, this time my hymen broke, and I suffered bleeding. After I again made Ghusl today, the bleeding.. More

  • Shaafi'is' view regarding shaving beard

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read somewhere that there is Ijmaa’ (consensus among the scholars)on the fist-length beard as being mandatory, and once there is Ijmaa’, nothing can change it after that. However, in the Shaafi'i Fiqh, I read that the strong position regarding the beard is that it is disliked to shave it. So is the Shaafi'i Fiqh going against.. More

  • Number in Istijmaar in different Schools of Fiqh

    Assalamu alaykum. I have a question regarding Istijmaar(purifying oneself from defecating or urinating by wiping with a solid material).I have read the following statement: Ibn Qudaamah said in Al-Mughni (1/102), “Both things are stipulated together: purification and completing three; one of them done without the other is not sufficient. This is the.. More

  • Impurity is only transmitted if it is damp

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is a very different question. Please help me and guide me. If something in your home is impure and you know about it and your family members touch it or use it and they are not aware of the impurity of that particular thing but only you are aware of the impurity, then what should be done? Should you tell them about the.. More

  • She suffers from incontinence and needs to pray Fajr and Thuhr with same ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Shaykh. I suffer from diseases that require to renew my ablution for the obligatory prayers. I want to know, if I want to pray the Eid prayer or the Friday prayer at the two Holy Mosques, then one has to go very early to get a good place, and for the Eid one goes for Fajr and then stays there. Can I.. More

  • Washing bedcovers stained with semen

    Assalaamu alaykum. I put my bedsheets/bedcovers in the washing machine due to the impurity of semen (I am aware that there are different opinions about this, but I take the more difficult view in order to be on the safe side - I am not sure if this is correct either). One of the bedcovers is waterproof (to protect the mattress). The washing machine.. More

  • Abu Haneefah's view on the beard

    Dear Shaykh, what was Imam Abu Hanifah's, may Allaah have mercy upon him, view on the beard, and is it true that he did not speak to people who did not have beards? What do the Hanafi scholars and books say on this matter? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh. .. More