Sir I an engineer. I got a job in a networking company. My company's main clients are some of the banks in KSA. Our company is the one who prioviding connection between bank and ATM. So if it is the case my job is good one?My earning are halal?
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I work for a software development company in software maintenance and support department as a software engineer.My question is my company is a general purpose software company in Australia(deals with mostly mining industry but any business can be our customer) but we do have some (less than 5%) customers who deal with alcohol products. My job is to.. More
Asalamualikum wa rahmatullah: Suppose sisters and brother sign a corrected and mutually agreed document willingly. Two witnesses also sign. All those who sign are majors and in good health and mind. For some legal requirement the document has to be notarized or registered as per the procedure followed in the country. There is an error introduced involuntarily.. More
In Fatwa No : 90152 u said that it is ok to keep haram money but only if u r poor. I am 17, living with my parent, got no job, and would be poor if I didn't have my parents and I also have haram money which is mixed with my halal money. Is it permissible for me to keep the haram money?
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assalamualaikum,I have been offered a halal job and the pay is good however I noticed on my interview that they play music in the background. There are actually some few women who work in the business however they would not be working in the same department and section as me, so I would not have to look or talk to them. Does this render my job haram?.. More
Alsalamo Alaykom,I am a 25 year old muslim girl living in Canada, seeking advise in the following matter.I am offered to save money for my retirement by the Canadian government and through my employer. This program is called RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan), this is the government of Canada's definition of this program:"An RRSP is a retirement.. More
esselamu aleykumI read in one of your fataawa that it is allowed for a person who is in need of some programmes likewindows and so on to accept the license agreement, where it says approximately that if it comes to a disagreement than the case will be judged according to a kaafir system, by intending with your heart that you do only accept the ruling.. More
Al slam Alykom , I have a question please . I am 20 years and I live with my mother and my step dad and my brother . My step dad works in a liquor store and he pays for the house . My question is , what is the ruling about drinking and eating from this house? . Would it be halal if I pay half of the water bill and drink from the water in the house ... More
I got hired by a law firm. They represent people who have been hurt in car accidents. My job is to bring people to call them for this service. My question is on their phone system they have on-hold music. This music is out of my control nor can I work around it.When someone I referr Calls they might be on-hold and hear the music.Is there sin on me if.. More
As-salamu alaikum,i have questions concerning working in the west. Are following jobs allowed? I think what i will mention is common in european countries and it would be difficult to avoid it.1. If you work for a company and you are a car cleaner and there is a car which has a symbol of a cross or a national flag or the brand name is derived from an.. More
Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,I am a salaried employee and as per the government rules a part of my salary goes to my PF account, and this is compulsory. Every year on 31st March based on the amount in my PF account, some interest (riba) is added. It is not possible for me to remove this interest from my account monthly(in order to clean.. More
AsSlaamWalekum....Fatwa is issued on Lyoness company, stating that this is haram to work for this company because it is not allowed to buy discount cards; because u don't know what u will u get in return. Whereas this company clearly tells u that u will get certain amount of % on your shopping and u will also get units for the amount u will pay as an.. More
A few years ago I received over £220 from the welfare office on unemployment benefit. Every 2 weeks I get £110 but on that week I got an extra £100. The jobcentre at the time sent me a letter asking for it to be paid back, I said I would but did not do it now I am not sure if they took money out of my account or not. In Britain it.. More
Urgent: Working in a hospital with polytheistic names and printing the name on documents
1. There are some hospitals, which has the name "Saint Johannes" (it contains Shirk) or other names which contain Shirk. Can a student work there for the university because he needs that even there are hospitals which are more far away but they have.. More
Assalamu alaykum, i'm developing barcode scanner apps and I'm worried that my apps might be used for haram. I've come up with 3 different models: 1. The app scans the barcode and takes the user to Amazon 2. As above but I also get a cut if the user buys the product from Amazon. 3. The app scans the barcode and displays the name of the product the price.. More