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905 fatwas

  • Money earned from pirated software programs

    Al salaam ‘alaykom wa rahmato Allâh wa barakaatoh. Bismillah, Until recently I have been using illegally downloaded program to edit videos. But one day, I realized the hadîth which says that Allâh is Pure and He only accepts what is pure. So i deleted the programs. From this, two questions arose for me: 1) Before I realized the hadîth I helped.. More

  • Job assignment involves calculating interest

    Assalamu Alaikum WRWB respected Mufti, I have been working in a Hospital as an Analyst Programmer, supporting and developing different applications that do not require interest; however, there's one application for Health Insurance which has interest calculation and was written by somebody else but I have been supporting the users of that application.. More

  • Breaching the terms and conditions of downloaded software

    I asked this question before but you referred me to other fatwas, which do not satisfy me...please, answer my question in particular, it will be a favor....."Whenever we download a new software or make a new account online…it comes with the acceptance of terms and services and after we accept these terms we enter in a contract…my question is, do.. More

  • Accepting compensation for injuries after falling in a mall

    I was over Fifty, I fell down in the mall and I got some injured at the knees and shoulder and feel almost painful bruises at all my body, a person from the mall insurance contacted me to pay for me related to this incident , please let me know can I have to take these money and is it halal???jazakom Allah khair .. More

  • Conditions for permissibility of network marketing

    Asalam walaykum, I have a question regarding business. I am In a network marketing business in which I review wholesale products in health beauty and cosmetics. Most of the vitamins are halal or don't have pork in them. I sell them in retail to make a profit. Firstly is this allowed to profit? Second it's networking business I share this business with.. More

  • His brother abandoned him because he refused to sell alcohol

    Assala-mu-alai-kum. I have my brother who own a petrol station,supermarket and a restaurant at the same place. In the supermarket and restaurant he sales rum in there. He order me to go and control the supermmarket but I refuse because of the rum he sales in there I don't want to be part of it. So as a result of this he cut off ties with me. To such.. More

  • The legitimate necessity whereby unlawful job is permitted

    i have asked question earlier with question .no 2531915 ...but in you have not answered my important question i.e., making money from ptc sites [[[to know more about ptc sites see my question and read links given in it]]] i actually know that making money from ptc sites is haram but is it permissable for me as i dont have any other option to.. More

  • Using the leverage system in Forex transactions

    Essalem alikom , My question is about on Online Forex Trading. My question is as follow with a little introduction on Forex. "Forex, or Foreign Exchange, is the simultaneous exchange of one country’s currency for that of another. We provide foreign exchange for the purpose of investor speculation. The investor wishes to purchase or sell one currency.. More

  • Violating the trade laws of a non-Muslim country

    Assalamu Alaikum W.W Dear Brothers in Islam I, I need fatwas following few questions. 1. Is it halal to trade on things that are halal by nature, but made illegal by the government (Non Muslim Gvt ) such as certain type of logging of trees, fragrance etc? 2.Is it Halal to bribe custom officers to smuggle those type good as mention in Q1 to foreign countries.. More

  • His grandmother gives him and his mother all his grandfather's pension

    Assalamoalikum . I am from india and my maternal grandmother gets pension from Inadian government as her husband was a teacher and he is dead now.My mother gives her pension to me for my studies-books and fees for coaching.Is it legal to take it and spend on me as i came to know that government here collects tax from beverages department which sells.. More

  • Using copyrighted material for personal use

    I asked this question before but you referred me to other fatwas.... (I am a medical student. I need some video lectures in my studies to make the course easy to understand. But these lectures are too costly and I can't afford them. I have downloaded the videos from a torrent site. Can i use these videos?...Also, if there are softwares installed on.. More

  • Ruling on the increase on a retirement pension

    Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters, As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you) In the name of Allah, I praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. I bear witness that there.. More

  • Working for a company that leases property to a usurious bank

    Assalamu`Alaykum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuhu I have an opportunity to work as an accountant in a company .The Company is a Travel agent and have Real estate properties that are Let out.The company does not borrow any loan to run their business or deal in Riba, but one of the building properties of the company is let out to a Riba based bank.As an accountant.. More

  • Earnings from an unlawful business after repentance

    Assalamu Aleikum I have a question regarding a business that I was running which I quit after someone pointed out that might not be permissible and because me having doubts of it being haram I stopped everything, and refunded all orders I could refund made the last couple of days. I finished the orders that I couldn't refund. After that I closed down.. More

  • Printing copyrighted books to teach Islamic knowledge

    aswb, my question today is someone wants to open up Islamic school in Africa if they to follow the government curriculum they need to teach history which covers up topics of evolution that men was a monkey and all that kind of false things is it permissible to take it in the curriculum but not have belief in it. second question is I know making copies.. More