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How can I marry a girl over seas when I am in the USA and she is in Africa? Can her father make Nikah over the phone?.. More
I like to know if a girl reverts to Islam and her parents are against her, how can she marry? Who will be her Wali? Can she marry without a Wali with witness? If there is no Wali then what to do? What is the Islamic solution?
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My question is can a Muslim woman marry without her father's permission and presence, if she fears that she will do fornication? We live in a non-Muslim country and here many Muslim girls are studying. The marriage was performed with the help of Islamic center here; the father of the girl was not informed.. He would have refused to accept this marriage... More
I am a Moroccan, please tell me about marriage with an Arabic girl living in France: to get citizenship... More
Please, I am very lost, help me. Someone came to ask for my hand two times (I know him for five years) and each time my father refused him because his family is not modern. I tell you that this man loves me but respectfully and he is very kind, does his prayer and has a good job and his own home so what shall I do if I love him and my father rejected.. More
I am a 50-year-old divorced Christian woman who is involved with a divorced Muslim man. We have been together for 3 years. He is a very religious person, and except for being with me I feel is a committed Muslim. We cannot be married because I would loose insurance coverage for a serious illness, and his insurance would not cover me. It would be considered.. More
I have a relationship with a Muslimah from England and I want to marry her. But I don't have relation with her family. Can I tell her about my idea or no? Or I must tell her family and how?
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I am a girl married to a man who before the marriage contract led me to believe that he was not going to marry more than one wife. Since the marriage contract, he may marry again. Now I'm upset. What do you advise me to do?
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I have a female friend from Mexico that has been a Muslim for 3 months.
She has been married for 25 years now, has a nice family, and a nice Christian husband. He lets her believe what she wants he believes in freedom of belief. She loves him so and loves her family. She wants to know: should she divorce her husband of 25 years now? Please answer.. More
A girl and a boy is married in the Nikah ceremony. But the banquets of marriage (the girl is in her parents' house) will take place in 4 - 6 months. Is it lawful for them to have sex? Please elaborate on your answer... More
Among Sunni jurisprudents there is a discussion concerning whether or not the marriage of Muta'h is the same as 'temporary marriage'. Most of them have agreed that they are synonymous. [9] In some works a special term is applied to women who participate in Muta'h: Musta'jara, or 'rented woman'. Muta'h is considered a kind of 'rental' because in general.. More
My question is regarding an issue that most Muslim brothers of my age are facing while they are living in a non-Muslim country, seeking marriage in a proper Islamic manner but trying to avoid the social complexity of it. We all know the great difficulty we Muslims face in order for us to keep away from Haram and to follow the proper path of our religion,.. More
"I married an American girl in accordance with the American laws. I want to make sure I have the right to sleep with her"? I mean regardless of the way we married; we didn't marry according to Islam, because of special reasons; one of them is her family reject the marriage. Please send me an answer.
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I would just like to know what Islam says about marriage between different races? Is it permissible to marry a revert, who has good character even though the girl's Wali is opposed to it?
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If a couple marry and divorce then later find out that their marriage may not have been valid in the first place, does the divorce still count? And if it is the third divorce does that mean that they are forbidden to each other?
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