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1517 fatwas

  • Divorced thrice and wants to return to her ex-husband without marrying another one

    Asalam o Alaikum wa rahmat ullah. Dear Brother, I had a second wife and a son from her, we had serious differences and finally i divorced her three times at once 8 years back. Now, we want return to the wedlock but we are totally confused, as to some and most of the scholars, we can only marry again after she marries some other man and have intercourse.. More

  • Her husband sells alcohol and does not pray

    I am a recent convert to Islam (practising Muslim Alhamdulillah) married to a non-practising muslim who has given up the prayer, and is selling alcohol along with other haram activities. I have been married for three and a half years, and during that time I have asked him to pray, and I have also asked others who he respects to ask him to pray. He.. More

  • Wants to separate from her husband who does not suit her

    Assalaam alaykum, my is arrange marriage and I spoke with my husband on phone 2 and half months before marraige. Now its almos 4 yrs but we are not happy together. My husband came here abroad we live at my sister's house. he's not a bad person but we judt don't suit eachother, he's like to go out and I like to stay at home with family. He's always complaining.. More

  • Her husband broke his promise to take her to live with him abroad

    dear brother my earlier question (question no .2142574..was not answered properly i think some mis match plz answer to my question)...... my marriage was performed in 2004 and my husbad stays in london at that time i was promised tht i ll be taken to london in 6 months but as the time passed out till today nothing happened husband came thrice.. More

  • Three divorces given on a stamp paper signed by witnesses and a lawyer

    Please keep this confidentail and give me an urgent reply if a husband has given a divorce to his wife directly with three words of talaq " Talaq, Talaq, Talaq (upon thrice)" on a stamp paper with witnesses and lawyer signatures and it is also written that it is an irrevocable divorce then in this case can the wife remarry her husband without hilala... More

  • Her husband looks at little girls with desire

    Assalamu Alaikom, I would like to get some advice to my problem from you,The problem is with my husband, he is 8 yrs older than me im arab & he is asian, anyway I sometimes notice my husband looking at young girls in an unacceptable way as if he was looking at an older woman.I definitely know he is not attracted to me in many ways such as, my.. More

  • Waiting period of the woman in Khul’

    Assalam Alay Kum! I urgently require clarification on the issue of duration of Iddah after Khul. I have read and heard that it is 3 months in case of Talaaq.I have come across this hadith Please comment on it and tell me if it should be ignored?OR it can be followed. Hadith was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the wife of Thaabit ibn Qays ended.. More

  • Signed divorce papers thinking that they are not the final papers

    i have a serious problem regarding father put four papers in front of was written i mr shafiq divorse my wife(name) daughter of xyz and resident of xyz. i signed those four was the demand of my in law's when i saw the papers ,before signing them, the date was of feb 2007.i told my dad that the dates are required to.. More

  • A woman in the mourning period answering the telephone

    salam alaikum. is the woman under her aza period allowed to answer the phone.jazaka allah kahair... More

  • A Muslim wife has a relation with a Christian man and criticizes the Quran

    Dear Sir, Assalam-O-Alaikum, A married muslim women knowingly and willingly enters into an extra marital relationship with another married christian man and confesses of having physical relationship e.g., kissing, huging, touching, meeting alone in private etc. Her parents and sibling are deadly against this act. What is this? Is this zina or not?.. More

  • Separated from her husband because he is frustrated by her continuous mistakes

    Asslam-u-Alaikum Me & my husband have been married for the past almost 4 months & we have known & loved each other for 6 months before that. We are not together anymore for the past 2 days, and its not just a little conflict that has separated us. After about 2-3 weeks of our marriage, we’ve continuously had conflicts around every 3-4.. More

  • The statement of a person “Whenever I marry I will divorce”

    I needed to know if this will be considered a never-ending vow of divorce and how one can get out of it by offering Kaffarah etc. If due to some absurd reason if a person X who is single and makes a statement that everytime he gets married then he is divorced or everytime he performs nikaah he is automatically divorced then can he ever get out of such.. More

  • Wife says that her husband has divorced her but he denies that

    one relative of mine got married last year. her married life was full of tension since day one. then after 8 months of marriage the husband decided to go out of the country for employment. not after 3 months of stay outside suddenly one day he called his wife and said i am divorcing you. same time he called the girls father and also his father and told.. More

  • Wants divorce from her jobless adulterous husband

    Assalamu Alaikkum I really would like to get seperated from my husband.Let me menstion few things that made me write that i need divorce.My husband, basically he is an engineer, but never has gone for any job.I used to ask him to do something rather than sitting ideal at home.Actually i think of divorce is because of his immoral character.I mean, he.. More

  • Husband saying to wife 'You are not my wife'

    if a man says to his wife that you are not my wife and says it 3 times without saying the word Talaq or divorce, does the divorce takes place and should the woman leave him?.. More