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1517 fatwas

  • Dowry of a pregnant wife who is asking for Khulu

    I live in pakistan. I married last year (09-11-2005). Everything was normal upto 20th of April-2006. I was at factory where i am doing job. I called my wife at 7.45 pm, we talked more than 5 minutes. everything was normal. After 40 minutes i received her call and she informed me that her father came from other city and she is going to her sister house... More

  • Guardian's consent when woman re-marries her ex-husband

    A women who has taken khula, she decideds to marry again to the same person (her perious husband) after about 6months. Does she require the permission of her parents(Wali), if her parents are not agreeing or consent the marriage, will such Nikha be valid. my second question is : Do a consent of an wali is must for any marriage or if their are any exceptions.. More

  • Situations that make a wife forbidden for her husband

    When a girl (wife) become maharam or haaraam for her husband?.. More

  • Divorcing a twice-divorced wife after her waiting period

    Salaam brothers, I have two quick questions in relation to divorce in Islam. 1. If a man pronounces third divorce on a woman who has been divorced twice previously and her second divorce iddah period is ALREADY expired (so she is no longer his wife as he did not take her back within iddah) than is this third divorce pronouncement counted against him.. More

  • His wife prevents him from seeing his daughter

    my wife has taken away my daughter and due to her own interest not returning she has gone to court and not allowing me to meet my daughter.there is no divorce between us.WHAT ISLAM SAY ABOUT SUCH ACT and any guideline u may like to give me....that what should i do now.. More

  • His wife listens to music, plucks her eyebrows and wears pants

    Asalamu aliekum, Jazakum Allahu Khairan for you efforts, I have a question. one brother is married to and his wife came from a muslim but not religous family. during thier wedding they had music and mixing and husband regrets this and ask Allah for forggiveness. The wife prays 5 times a day, fast Ramadan, but she wear pants, take from her eyebrows.. More

  • She did not know what her husband meant when he stated a conditional divorce

    Salam alaicoum! My husband once, maybe half a year ago told me, that if I wear niqab, I must consider myself divorced. I am newly converted and I didn't know this really causes divorce. Moreover, I thought that "wear" doesn't imply try on, put on for fun or to protect myself from wind or from evil looks for a short time. But just nowadays I've.. More

  • Told his wife about his sin and they have troubles since then

    i'm a muslim thanks god.i've been married in almost 2 years to an american who converted to Islam and thanks to Allah before we got question is that last year i went back to my country by myself because we (my wife and I) have not make enough money. Overthere i took a trip by Bus to France and in the bus i commited a sin, i was.. More

  • The word divorce said by a husband who has mental problems

    I need to get some clarification regarding validity of a divorce given by a husband who has known mental problems. when he is having a bad time with his mental problems then he utters words to hurt his wife & uttered the words of divorce for the same effect. afterwards he is appologatic & says that he does not mean any of the words he uttered.. More

  • Marriage not consummated after nine years

    As-salaamu Alaikum,My sister got married to a man from my country who lives in America. It is nearly nine years now and the marriage has never been consumated. He has tried to get her a visa several times with no success. I am very worried for my sister and want the marriage to be disolved. Is this marriage still valid? if so can my sister terminate.. More

  • Her husband speaks badly about her family

    My husband does not like my family, I do well with his family, but he forbids my family from visiting me, they do not approach him, and they are in another country. Now my concern, is that everytime we have a fight, he begins talking badly about my family and insults them badly to the point i feel hating him, even though the subject of the fight.. More

  • Reconciling is better

    if a husband do sincere tauba to ALLAH and appologize to his wife for all his mistakes regarding matrimonial life i.e. sometime beated and use abuse language, after that is her kidness to reconcile and giving last chance to husband for childrens sake or still demanding for divorce. What is the islamic way she will take wheter forgiving him and start.. More

  • Waiting period of a woman who reverted to Islam

    If a non-muslim woman married but seperated to a non-muslim man by the laws of their previous faith and nation converts to islam and wants to remarry a muslim man who may have proposed in advance of her conversion wants to marry what is the iddah period. If you say one month please give the reason for this, if she is not coming from the home or land.. More

  • His wife treats him badly and insists on divorce

    assalamu alaykom.first sorry to write in english but i hope you answer my questions before it is too late.i live in the usa and i married a muslim hispanic lady 5 years ago.she was a divorced with 1 kid.before marriage it happened that i made zina with her,then i married her in a mosque according to shariah.everything was ok until we got a girl .she.. More

  • Her husband is addicted to intoxicants and neglects her rights

    Assalamu alaikum, I would like to know if a woman can seek divorce for the following reasons: I have been married for about 1 year, my husband has not kept his prayers except for 2 weeks of our marriage, he drinks and smokes marijuana, he refuses to have marital relations with me, he has threatened me with physical abuse (but not acted upon it, however.. More