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720 fatwas

  • Her husband has an illegitimate son

    AOA, I have been looking for an answer for a long time to this question so I hope you can help me. I have been married to my husband for abt a yr and a half. I few mnths after we got married, I found out that my husband has an illegitimate son. B/c a woman was claiming child support. My husband then told me that he lived with this woman for about 10.. More

  • Giving children non-Muslim names coupled with Muslim names

    Can I give my children non Muslim names couple with their Muslim names... More

  • Her one-year-old daughter cries a lot and hardly sleeps at night

    Asalamualaikum sister/brother, I have a child who is turning one year next week. Ever since she was born she never had proper sleep in the night. Instead she cries out a lot and becomes boystous when it is time to sleep, And often goes to sleep by 0400 am in the morning. I have tried and tried my best to get her in track but is just never happens. Now.. More

  • A foster-mother's husband is a suckling foster-father

    Assalam alaikum Respected Scholar, I would like to ask about adoption. Me and my husband would like to adopt a child under the age of 2. I know that if I breastfeed him/her I become the milk Mother, so relative to the child. How about my husband? Would he become relative as well? Also is there any specific lenght of lactation required in order to.. More

  • Why the illegitimate child is not traced back to the adulterer

    ASA, my question is about children that are born outside of marriage with a non muslim partner. it chocks me to read your advice that the (innocent) child is seen as a bastard (although one of the parents is Muslim) and the muslim parent should stay away from it. Shouldnt it be a incentive for the muslim parent who made a grave sin, to repent and try.. More

  • Hadeeth about naming a child after his grandfather

    Please guide me. Is it a hadith that ' it is better to name a grandson on the name of his grand father'.. More

  • A Muslim woman living with her adult adopted sons

    I got married Muslim woman from czech, She have 2 adopted sons. they live in Prague in Her flat beside the adopted father < Her Ex Husband > She asked Me to visit them 2 months ago for One month because the Ex Husband will be not there I agreed ... when she returned back She said that Her Youngest adopted Son 17 Years Old is weak and She need to be.. More

  • Her husband had a child from Zina before he married her

    Assalamu alaikum i would be greatful if you could answer my query, about two years ago before me and my husband got married, he committed zina with a women and got her pregnant. Since the child was born my husband has only seen him a few times which caused major problems in our marriage. For this reason i went to a scholar to find out the ruling about.. More

  • Wants to adopt her husband's children from his late wife

    Is it permissable for a Christian wife of a widowed Muslim with children to adopt the children as if they are her own? I have been reading about adoption in Islam and can't see an answer to a situation such as this... More

  • Having the name 'Salmaan Rahmaan'

    Assalaamu 'Alaikum! A brother named his son "Salman Rahman" when he was not that religious. Now he feels that it was inappropriate to name his son like that. The son is now 14 years old. My question is that, is there a sin in naming children like that? And does he NEED to change the name now?.. More

  • Status of illegitimate children in the hereafter

    what was the stand for the person who's parent borne him without marriege in the day of qiyama but some people say even he did well as ALLAH command him to do he may not get into jannah?.. More

  • DNA test shows that he is not the father of his daughter

    asalaam-alykum..., im worried & tenced & need some awnsers please, wife and me are married 6 years now...,we have 2 children, boy and girl,.. my wife had affair with my brothers son from past 3 years..., I had a doubt from 2 years but since it was a doubt i kept silent.., one day i cought them in my house when i came to say asr salat,..once this.. More

  • She embraced Islam but her 14-year-old daughter did not

    As salaam alekom wa rahmatuAllah wa berakatu. I am a reverted muslima for 4 months now. I am also divorced, and i have one daughter who is 14. She hasn't accepted Islam yet, even though I teach her it, and it's principles. I am finding it very hard to sometimes deal with her, and her unacceptance. I want her to wear hijaab, but she refuses, except when.. More

  • Her 5-year-old daughter steals, lies and has bad breath

    Salaam Alaikum, I have a 5 year old daughter alhamdullilah... she has some symptoms if you could please help to diagnose her. very bad breath in her mouth hunger lazy She also steals and lies too. Jazak'Allah khair.. More

  • Single woman adopting a child

    After 12 years of marriage my husband and I got divorced. Many factors lead to this decision one of which was the issue of his fertility treatment in which he was never interested. I am back in UK now. Its been 5 years. I have a decent job and I can support myself. I tried to get married again but maybe due to my age I am finding it hard to find a partner... More