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Assalamualaikum, I am from Bangladesh. The number of suicide of girls (victims of stalking) has been increasing in my country.Young boys find it very amusing to tease girls and it has become their habit. They use unseemly and vulgar words towards girls whoever want. I know islam has certain rulings concerning the modest dress of a woman and also the.. More
I am 26 years old muslim working here in saudi arabia. I committed zina to a non muslim girl who have a family of her own and still living with them. I know that the youngest daughter she have right now is mine. I wanted to know the rights of the child if she can use my surname if i acknowledge her. we are planning to seperate ways by the mother of.. More
"AOA, this a memory that i kept within myself but now its bthering me alott n to tell some thing like this courage is needed and after buildin in tellin i dunt knwo how to explain it but i m trying.when i was 5 my mother used to take me on herself n remove my pants and her clthes n move me on her like sex she did this alot of times sumtime removing.. More
assalam walikum,
i got married recently and i was really frustutaed with my wife behaviour. when i emphasized her, she revealed her past from the age of 8, that her maternal uncle used to lure her by giving her candies and take her to the terrace and use to do all sorts of sexual activity in the nights. this was carried every day till she realized.. More
salam,I want to you ask you it haram to touch a gay by greeting or sharing food etc?a friend of mine told me it is haram, a gay came to our store sake our hands if it is what we must do to repent to Allah sw,salam .. More
a woman in our community was sexually abuse as a young child at home by a family member and spoke nothing of it to anyone till now. she has put it behind her and has a good haapy life now, but yet she still lives in the same house as the abuser although after the 1 incedent nothing of this nature has again occured. i am angry she still lives there and.. More
Asalam Alikom wa Rahmtuallah Wa Baraktuh.
It has come to my families attention, that one of my male step grandchildren, has been sexually abused by their Maternal grandmother.
The child is only 4 years old, and tells of having being asked to undress, then his grandmother has played with his genitals.
The Grandmother had admitted to her ex husband.. More
I am a homosexual male(I am not Muslim) and my close friend is a Heterosexual Muslim Male. He is married and has 2 sons. We are the same age and live in America working for the same company. I Love him with all my heart and soul. He is Kind, Gentle, and very Compassionate. He is a Good and Just man. I prepare his coffee, make his schedules, prepare.. More
Assalaamualaikum, I want to share with you an incident which happened in my childhood at the age of 12. It's causing lot of anxiety(psychological) in me. Now i am 24 years old. I keep on ignoring this thing. But finally decided to share with islam web. One morning i was sitting after Fazr namaz and doing Zikr in the mosque.One man with long beard with.. More
hi, i have a problem i would like to know what to do.. im 25 yrs old, my wife is 21..we have been married for 7 months now...we live in canada.. we both work full time.. i am a dentist ..before we got married my wife used to visit pornographic web sites.. i started to notice unusual sexual behaviors during our first week .. then she told me.. she promised.. More
Salam ALaykoum, I have a friend, she is married and has a 2 years old daughter. She recently found out that her husband was gay. What do you suggest to her to do. Ma hukmu eddeen? Jazakum Allah khayran... More
Asalamualaikum, Thanks you all for your hard work, i have a question regarding a brother i know. He received oral sex from men and thinks it does not make him a homosexual because there is no penetration. he is young and not married. He says he is not attracted to men and as long as there no penetration he is not a homosexual. Is he a homosexual or.. More
My muslim wife's mother is leading a homosexual lifestyle, is it hallal or haram to stay at her house in the US while visiting there?.. More
Salam Alaykom. My husband is preventing me from seeing my family. The reason why is because my dad and others do not pray but alhamdouillah they fast. Also the reason he is preventing me from seeing them is because no ladies wears the hijab- I am the only one that wears hijab alhamdouillah and they don't wear decent clothes; sometimes they wear.. More
Assalamu alaikum, I'm a 21 year old male. I obsess over marriage. It is on my mind all the time. It has been on my mind for years. I cannot get it out of my head. Those brothers that don't worry about it too much, I don't know how they do it. I think the problem stems from years of being isolated. My family is with a Muslim group that is not on the.. More
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