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I claimed state benefits as i was unemployed.. I then picked up some part time work cash in hand and didn’t claim this to the government. I didn’t think this was haram at the time. Do I need to give the money back I took for unemployment ? I didn’t know it was haram or halal for me at the time
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As Salam Alaykum, Shaikh i use Instagram only to consume Islamic content, but lately I have been getting these ads of book astrologer, consult astrologer. Can I use the platform anymore? I don’t know why they are recommending me this filth. I never had any activity related to it. Jazak Allahu Khayran
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I used to be short-tempered but now I'm trying to improve. Should we apologise to others for being rude? Sometimes I use loud or rude tone but later realize I've to be careful. Driver was about to start driving the car and I was holding the door to enter in the car, so I said it rudely "what has happened" now I'm thinking I should not have behaved like.. More
Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. My question is about flipping through instagram. As with videos from the world they are bound to have music and women who are not covered etc. Some of the videos include nudity too. Is keeping the volume low and skipping fast if something haram comes up okay or it is haram to flip through instagram?
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Aslaam aleikum sheikh,I was having a conversation with my friends and we came across the question is having a girlfriend haram or not. I said it was haram and I gave some proof but they said it's ok and there's nothing wrong with it. Can you please inform me more on the matter and how I could refute them? Thank you.
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Assalamu Alaykum Sheikh, To receive unemployment benefit, the jobcentre made me agree on the uk government website to spend 35 hrs searching for work each week, I told them straight that I don't spend 35 hrs and the jobcentre agent said that the agreement is just a formality and to just apply for the jobs that they send me. However, I dont know if this.. More
Hello Islamweb
I do have a question. I'm suffering from social anxiety. So I'm having a hard time being around people. But it's easier for me to be around people when I'm with someone that I know. But a hard time when I go by myself to buy groceries etc. And I know people that's suffering the same as me have a dog that have helped them a lot from there.. More
Assalamuaikum! I apologize for my long question but I hope the details can explain the current situation a little more. My husband and I have been married for the past 3 and half years Alhamdulillah. We are blessed with a beautiful daughter Alhamdulillah. In shaa Allah we are expecting our second child soon. Since the past years, my husband has been.. More
I'm 27 years old (male) and I had social anxiety since my childhood, I've been tying to fight it for a very long time. I have this problem because of the treatment i received at home and Society . My younger brother also have this problem and it has probably no solution for it. But still I refuse to accept this, and kept fighting.
My best friend suggested.. More
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Lately, I have been having waswas about taking revenge against a bully who beat me up in high school 6 years ago. At that time, I was very vulnerable and weak, but now I'm not that person anymore. So should I do it, or forget and forgive? This is really driving me insane.
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What does Islam say about paraphilia (sexual perversion or sexual deviation) ? For example, from childhood (may be from age 7 or 8) a person may be attracted to particular body parts of girls, and wants to touch them, and now he has become a youth and gets sexual aroused when he sees videos of girls gagged with cloth or tape. He was doing masturbation.. More
Can I be a friend with the LGBT as a Muslim?
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Salam,I have a question regarding hurmat musaaharah. I am severely affected from OCD so i got lot of waswasas about this issue. My question is that i am following Hanafi Madhab can i follow your Fatwas regarding hurmat e musaahrah (e.g 318664) or notjQuery111009441319627245637_1543994284918I have fear that if i follow your fatwa do it come under tafliq.. More
Does the father have the right to take from his son's wealth? If so, what are the guidelines and conditions? Does he have the right to take whatever he wants if it will not harm his son i.e. if his son is very wealthy?
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Is too much complaining mean I’m not happy with what Allah has planned for me? If if life isn’t always going to be fair. I married have 6 kids 3 bedroom house. My mother n law lives with me & father n law comes every day. Do I have to live with my inlaws my whole life. All my husband says is ba3in Allah wainshallah khair. And Allah will be pleased.. More
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