Asalamualaikum, I would like to ask for fatwa regarding masturbation. My husband and I have been separated due to visa/paperwork reasons. All doors for us to meet are shut and completly locked. he is stuck in a country he cannot get out of and I cannot come into. We are working very hard to be together and we love each to death. Its been 1 year now... More
Alsalam alikom My question medical and religious at the same time, I am currently doing procedures process IVF would be the return of the embryos at the beginning of Ramadan insha Allaah and the duration of fasting we have in Britain is about 19 hours advised by the medical team that I deal with him not to fast until the outcome of pregnancy around.. More
can we have a fast in tabligi jammat without our ameers permisssion on normal days .. More
Salam Alaykum, There has come a new trend in the Muslim community called “Ramadan Calendar”. Muslim families with children have something called Ramadan calendar which means that for each day that goes in Ramadaan, they (children) get gifts or other chores like learning surahs or hadith until the day of EID. And when EID comes the children get the.. More
Assalamo Alaikom W.W. before i think 30 years, our forefathers make some decoration in and out side their house during ramadhan,or sometimes before ramadhan. thats my question, this is subhat or haram..i your reply as soon as possible, jazakallahul khair assalamo alaikom. .. More
Assalam-o Alaikum I have question regarding laser treatment over back for acne or skin scar problem during Ramadan fasting.does it affect fasting? W.Salam, khan .. More
Assalamu alaikom, I have some days to make up from last ramadan and on one day I thought of fasting but with the condition that I wake up for suhoor,because I work in a childcare and tend to get really weak if I don't have suhoor.But what happened is I fell asleep and then woke up about an hour before fajr.I looked at the clock and said to myself I.. More
During the month of Ramadan, while rinsing my mouth in the morning, some blood comes out from my mouth while performing ablution. What should I do then?.. More
I have committed sodomy while the people were fasting in Ramadan. I swear by Allah that I am very regretful. .. More
My seventy-year-old father is retired and religiously committed. When he was young, however, he lived in a foreign country, to which he travelled while being young, and he stayed there until becoming a young man. He stayed there for seven years and returned when he was 25 years. He did not observe fasting of Ramadan in that western country for four.. More
During Ramadan and in the last days of the menstrual period, I have provoked my sexual desire intentionally by thinking about sex until I felt a sexual pleasure. I did not know whether I became pure of my menses or not at that time. At the end of the day, I became sure that I attained purity of my menses. I was fasting on that day and thus completed.. More
Is it true that if one intends to make up a day he missed and then breaks his fast during this day without having a valid excuse for this, then he has to make up for two days instead of the day in which he has intended to fast but fails to do? Please note that that person broke his original fast during Ramadan for a valid excuse... More
Is it permissible to give sixty persons uncooked rice as expiation? Can it, for example, be given out all at once to one poor family? What is the amount of food that everyone should take? .. More
During fasting and while I performing ablution, I do my best not to let water enter my mouth. However, while rinsing my mouth, I find a little amount of blood, owing to my throat's dryness, which I try hard to keep. This continually occurs to me, so what is the ruling on my fast?.. More
I would like to ask if I have the right to pay expiation on behalf of my husband, on account that he may refuse to pay it. It is most likely that he will refuse to pay it. Is it permissible for me to pay it without telling him so that he may not bear the sin, and in this way I would help him not to commit a sin? He is quick-tempered and I must not tell.. More
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