I have a visit for a dentist during daytime of Ramadan and I cannot postpone it. Taking into consideration that the treatment could need a local anesthetic and also that the lame spray may penetrate the throat, what is the ruling on fasting?.. More
I am studying in a non-Muslim country. I have female teachers and colleagues. Sometimes it is necessary to discuss something with a female teacher or colleague and it happens that we have a kind of fun during the discussion. Other times, also, they shake hands with me. I am afraid that my fasting is worthless and that I will get nothing but hunger and.. More
What is the ruling on using an anesthetic injection for dental treatment during fasting?.. More
What is the ruling on having a sauna (steam bath) during fasting? .. More
What is the Islamic ruling on using eye drops during daytime in Ramadan?.. More
Assalaamu 3alaikum. I have a few questions: 1. I used to perform salah by going through the fatiha,tasbiih etc. in my mind. This continued for 2-3 years. I was ignorant of the ruling that Salah will not be accepted if one would merely go through the statements in one's mind. What should I do? 2. Due to a chronic illness (weak immune system and repetitive.. More
I was asked to pass on the following question from a sister: Bismillah Salamu alaikum I have the following problem: I frequently suffer under mucus in my mouth and throat along with temporarily bleeding of the gums which is especially difficult while fasting. So I often must run to the wash basin, holding ready tissues for spitting during the prayer.. More
Asalamu alaikum My question is about giving food-based kafaraah in the UK. I need to feed some needy people as expiation for my sins, but since the UK is a majority non-Muslim country, I have no idea where to access needy Muslims whom I can feed. I know lots of Muslims who are living in decent housing with reasonable income, but none who are destitute... More
Since I have so many different fasts from Ramadan to make up, and they are in several different categories, please advise me as to the order in which I should make up these fasts. Which categories take priority over others? The categories are: Fasts missed completely due to laziness, Kafaraah (60 days consecutive fasting) to compensate for deliberately.. More
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to eat with a group of menstruating women during the daytime in Ramadhaan? When she eats alone, is there a certain limit that she must not exceed? .. More
Sallam..; I will like to know if someone can fast on Monday and Thursday without eating at the midnight because i am a muslim but i am living with a christian which i dont have chance to wake up at night to eat because is there house and if i wake up to eat or prayer, they we complain. Waiting for your reply. Thanks Awwal .. More
Can pre mature ejaculation breaks fasting while talking 2 a lady? .. More
I swore an oath and broke it. I intended to fast three days as expiation for breaking my oath along with the voluntary six days of Shawwaal because I could not find needy people to feed since there are no such people nowadays. Then, I came to know that it is impermissible to combine the intentions of fasting the three days as expiation for breaking.. More
Are there any conditions for clearing the liability of the deceased who died before expiating for his broken oath? In other words, when the oath-taker breaks his oath and expiation becomes due on him; are there any conditions or excuses that exempt him from offering the expiation or clear his liability? What is the ruling on a person who fasted one.. More
What is the expiation for swearing a false oath? What should one do if he doubted whether he swore an oath and broke it or he never swore? If the expiation for delaying making up for the missed fasts of Ramadhaan and the expiation for breaking an oath become due simultaneously; which of them should be observed first? .. More
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