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816 fatwas

  • Delaying Hajj until one becomes unable to perform it

    As-salaamu 'alaykum, my question is about the obligation of Hajj. Since it is one of the five pillars, does that mean one who has not done it in this dunya has commited a major sin? Such as if a person had the means at a certain time but did no go when he could have, but then later on he regrets not having gone but no longer has the means, and he doesn't.. More

  • He took the Jamaraat pebbles from his own country

    Using pebbles for ramy al jamarat, taken from my own country is lawful or not. If not, then what should one do who has done so. .. More

  • He lives in Makkah but assumed Ihraam from Jeddah

    Few years before Alhamdullilah I had performed haj,during that period I was a resident of Makka but my moallim(guide to take people for haj as per Saudi laws) was from Jeddah so I was to join him from Jeddah to go for haj,accordingly I reached Jeddah without wearing ahram from Makka & wore ahram in Jeddah and joind him for haj.My question is some.. More

  • Family planning does not make Hajj unaccepted

    As Salamalaykum iam 32 years & iam blessed with two kids,& iam an diebetic so because of some medical reasons doctors advise is not to have kids in future so my husband is asking me to go for family planning but i heard that after family planning is done hajj is not acceptable pls suggest me is it true & what should i husband is thinking.. More

  • Paying a Riba-based loan is given priority over performing Hajj

    Asalamu alaykum, I took out a government loan for university studies under the impression of no interest until my salary reaches a certain level, but the money was subject to an inflation rate every year. After gaining information about inflation being a type of riba, I stoped studying. If the amount I took is 20,000 + 8,000 inflation 1- Can I go.. More

  • She wants to perform Hajj with Zakah money collected for her surgery

    I have collected zakaat donation for a very serious operation surgery abroad but after medical testing, the doctor said that the surgery cannot be performed. It is too risky. I would like to know if I can use this money to perform hajj pilgrimage with husband and children? Also if I can use the money to continue the construction of my house? .. More

  • Masjid Namirah is actually in 'Uranah

    Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It was narrated that on the day of ‘Arafah the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stayed in Namirah (which is a place near ‘Arafah) until the sun had passed its zenith (which is the beginning of the time for Zuhr), then he rode, then he stopped at the bottom.. More

  • The boundaries of 'Arafah area

    Although the boundary of Arafah is well marked by big boards ,but Google Earth shows that boundary is not symmetrical. For example there are two parallel roads and on each road there is one yellow billboard marking the boundary but one billboard is ahead of another. How can a person be ensure that he is within the boundary if he stands in between.. More

  • Hajj Qiraan after ‘Umrah made without intention of Tamattu'

    Please clarify the following: I have come to Makkah for Job in Shawal. After few days i performed two umrah with out the intention of any hajj. They were purely for the sake of Umrah. Now i want to do Hajj-e- Qaran. But people say that since i have already performed umrah now i cannot do Hajj-e-Qaran. In this scenario which hajj can i do? However,.. More

  • What if the ‘Udhhiyah died before the ‘Eed day?

    Assalam Alaikum There is a situation. A friend of mine has bought an animal for Eid ul Adha for Rs. 71000 PKR. The animal is seriously sick now and has little chance of survival. What if the animal dies. My friend and his family is not at all in a situation to a buy another animal. The local Mufti told them that it will obligatory upon them to.. More

  • What to begin with: ‘Aqeeqah, ‘Eed sacrifice or paying back a debt?

    i am a father of 7 days old doughter so i need to know which one i do since threre limitation of money in this two months aqiqaah of the lady, loan repay and odhiya naxar(the eed odhiya) .. More

  • Going to Hajj without paying an overpriced bill

    Salam Alikoum, I'm going to hajj in two weeks inchAllah. I paid all my debt except one agency which provided a service to me 3 years ago. We did not agree about the price at the beginning of the deal and we did not sign any contract, however, after getting the service, the bill was extremely over priced. I told them that was not fair and they.. More

  • Penile emissions during Ihraam

    ASSALAMU ALAIKUM DEAR SHEIK,I AM FORWARDING YOU some questions asked me by a friend from me to know what are the islamic rule on these, once friends of mine went to perform umra,he went to jeddah without ihram and went first to madina to the prophet (saw)mosque and did 40 wakth prayers there and other activities over there and started journey.. More

  • She expects her period days during Hajj

    asslam u alykum inshallah i am going for hajj this yr but my period will start on 23 oct which is 7th dul hajj,i will take pills to postpone menses but sometimes it causes spotting .what should i do .if i get spotting due to pills on days when i am not supposed to have my period,should i take it as istihada. if i get spotting on days when my periods.. More

  • Why Hajj rites are limited to the days of Thul Hijjah

    Assalam alaikum. Regarding the ayat about Hajj, in which it says the "MONTHS" of Hajj , can u explain why then is Hajj limited to only the days of dhul hijjah. Jazak allahu kheir. .. More