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816 fatwas

  • Going for Hajj via private travel agents

    Assalamualeyikum, I am from India & Haj is fardh on me & i am planning to perform this year insha allah. There are two ways to perform haj here - Go via state haj comittee (they follow qurrah/lucky draw) where my name didn't selected. - Go via private travel operators I heard going via private travel operator is not correct? Please suggest.. More

  • Wants to perform Hajj without telling anyone about it

    Assalamou Alaikoum, Quick question about Hajj. I 'm planning to go to hajj this year inchAllah, but I don't want to tell anyone about it. Is that ok or no? Assalamou Alikoum... More

  • He has doubts about performing his Sa'y correctly

    Assalamu alaikkum........ I performed hajj as tamattu two years before.In the Umrah,I doubt whether my Saaiey ( walking between Safa and Marwa) was correct.I did the Saaiey on the first floor,broke it for Tahajjud and Fajr prayers and then continued the rest of the Saiey.Finally I doubt whether I really started the Saiey from Marwa instead of Safa.. More

  • Should father perform Hajj or do ‘Aqeeqah for five children?

    assalaamu alaikum by allah's grace my father has 5 childrens, among them 4 are adult & 1 is 8yr old. But he didn't give aqeeqa for any of them. now he is having money to do the haj. in this case, what should he do ? whether do give the aqeeqah for all the 5 childrens or to do the haj. which one should be do first ?.. More

  • Celebrating the return of pilgrims and decorating the house

    Is it permissible to celebrate the return of pilgrims by decorating the house and writing on the walls? .. More

  • Touching a non-Mahram woman accidently during Ihraam

    Assalam, regarding umrah. I did my umrah and while i was in the state of ihram , a non mehram touched my arm acidently while travelling from medina to mekkah. And when i got to mekkah i took my headscarf off inside my hotel room in front of only my mehrams, then i put it back on again to perform my tawaf and all acts of umrah. I want to know if my.. More

  • Ruling on Tawaaf Al-Wadaa’

    As salamalaikum I performed hajj with my pregnant wife ,on 10th i performed Tawaf Ziyaraah and on12th we went to haram performed tawaf wida before zawwal and came back to Mina and did Rami post zawwal exactly after Zuhr.The reason to do so was we were suppose to leave Mina after Asr final departure and keeping in mind that it would not be possible.. More

  • A pilgrim staying overnight outside the boundaries of Mina

    Assalamu alaikum... I did the hajj two years back.. at that time i was unkown about many rulling of islam but now Allah(SWT) has given me some knowledge.. I have following question During stay of Mina ... There are boundries written on board.. and few people stay in tent close to boundary but outside boundary.. i was there ... what is the rulling.. More

  • Ibn Baaz's Fatwa about speaking the intention out in Hajj and 'Umrah

    Dear scholar, I am confused reading both opinion of great Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rah). The first Fatwa clearly says it is innovation to speak intention for Hajj/Umra and second fatwa says it is permissible rather better. Also, first point says it is Talbiya instead of intention but second point elaborates it as intention. Please clarify. Speaking the.. More

  • A father performing Hajj at the expense of his child

    A/Alaikum, I have a question,Please answer in lights of Quran and hadith.Thanks. I live in 3 brothers joint fahter wants to peform hajj.i have a bank fahter has some other laon which i will paid in future INSHA brother dosn't have any loan.can my fahter (Age 65+)perform hajj with my brother's fund(when i will take care of.. More

  • Thinking about sexual matters during Hajj

    Assalam Alaikum I am going for Hajj and very confused about sexual problems and have few questions as under. I appreciate your proper guidance and answer for my confusions. 1- Is it sin if I get natural Erection during Hajj in the state of Ehraam? 2- Also is it sin if I get natural night fall or if I do masterbate to control my sexual disres during.. More

  • How a woman shortens her hair in Hajj or ‘Umrah

    How a woman should cut her hair during hajj or Umra as it is said to cut hair from all her head? Generally Indian Women cut hair from the lock of hair which they keep tighten on her back . Technically, it would not cover all her head or hairs because some hair are long ,some are short, in other words ,hairs are unequal... More

  • Unjustly preventing a person from performing Hajj

    Assalamu Alaikum, One of my friends went to Saudi for employment. Because of the ill treatment from the Muslim Employer he wished to stop and back to India. By the time his employer did a 'Huroob' case (escaped from work) along with stealing in the immigration. He caught by polic and deported to India. My friend is a pious Muslim, he tried to do his.. More

  • Interrupting the Tawaaf for no valid reason

    Assalamu Alaikum Can you discontinue your tawaf and restart fresh one in case you forget istilam ,Idhtiba ,doubt regarding no of round or you have doubt whether you started from Hajre aswad or not ? or can you repeat tawaf in case of above said circumstances ? I understand that if you have doubt regarding any condition which are responsible for a.. More

  • Interrupting the intention of Tawaaf before its completion

    Assalamu Alaikum If someone by mistake made intention to finish his tawaf a step shorter than required , thereafter he continue to move in flow of crowd and hence covered this one step but this one step is not with intention of tawaf. In this situation , will tawaf be counted as complete or incomplete ? .. More