3 years before i divorce my wife on call saying " i divorce you 3 times" but i utter these words only once and then she hang up ..i work and live in kuwait but my wife is in pakistan so i get fatwa from ministry of religios affairs in kuwait and i send to pakistan ...in that fatwa they told me i can get her back with new marriage contract .now the problem.. More
Assalamualaikum Respected Shaik, a man has two wives. First one had 4 children when he married the second. Later the second got 4 children and the first six. The first one says that second wife got more than her. She gave birth only to two children after the second wife came the second one gave birth to 4 children. I want to ask is there anything like.. More
Assalamu AlaikumI have been married for 8 months. Before marriage, my husband asked me if I was OK with living with his parents and with living alone with him, and I said yes because I was truly willing to. He then said that he preferred to have our own space so we would move out of his parents' house shortly after getting married. After marriage, I.. More
Asalaamu Alaikum.I am writing this email as i need some advice on a divorce issue.I have been married for 16 years and have 4 children.My wife and I have been living separately for a year and a half now.We have arranged child access and payments between us.For many years the marriage has been increasingly difficult and under pressure due to incompatibility.. More
Assalamu alaikum. My parents and I got into an argument.. I'm an Indian girl born and brought up in Qatar. I'm currently in my 12th grade and it is time for me to make decisions regarding university applications. I thought that I could study here in qatar because some colleges are segregated here and I don't have to travel abroad without a guardian.. More
As-Salamu Alaykum
What is the ruling on a wife who doesn't like to be ordered around by the husband or anyone in her family? ?s it an disobedient wife because she fails to obey husband or is it pride and is it a sin or is it (may Allah protect us from this) at the level of kufr of arrogance or kufr?
(Bytheway it can be that she doesn't know the.. More
Assalamu Alaykum, I am a 20-year-old single woman, I have a question on whether or not it is permissible for me to move out of my parent's house and into dorms for school or into close housing. living on the campus will be much easier for me as I know drive 30 minutes to school and 30 mins back and will also help me concentrate on my studies. I also.. More
Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. What is the ruling on men working with women from western countries via online i.e work from home? I think the women there sexualize their voice which may seem normal to them. There could be group meetings, face to face meetings etc. Jazakallahu Khair.
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Assalamualaykum. I am 18 years of age. I believe that I have fallen in love with a girl, but I do not interact with her in person or online at all. I have a habit of writing in my diary about this girl, which I intend to show her after we get married in sha allah. Although I sometimes write romantic words, I never write anything sexual or provocative... More
Aslaam alaikum shaikh,Should I visit my paternal and maternal aunts, because when I visit them my cousin brother's wives and my cousin sisters do not observe proper hijab and they come in front of me quite freely although neither do I talk to them nor do I look at them. So does it becomes impermissible for me to visit them and my other relatives and.. More
Salaam,I am a single female Muslim who has known for several years that I am way more attracted to women than men. However, I will never act upon this desire as I love and respect Allah way too much to disobey him in this way (Alhamdullilah). My question is regarding allowing my future husband to have multiple wives. I have never really been against.. More
Hello. I recently found out that my 20-year-old son is probably homosexual. I accidentally discovered that he has gay dating apps on his phone. He acts feminine sometimes as well. However, I’m quite afraid to confront him about this. Since he is my son and I want him to be happy.Is homosexuality acceptable in Islam and why? What should I do?
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I sent my daughter abroad to a Western country recently, but I found she is facing so many stereotypes about her hijab and is really struggling and asked me if I think taking off hijab is a good idea. And she asks this not because she doubts her religion, but because she understands the importance of both hijab and education but social forces in the.. More
What's the Islamic viewpoint on a sister willingly marrying a HIV positive brother. Meanwhile, the sister is negative, and she knows what she's getting into.
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