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1041 fatwas

  • Meaning of Quran 86: 6-7

    Assalamu Alaykum Warmatullah Wabarakatuh! I'm a Muslim and i want to find out the real meanings of these verses in Surat Dariq [86:6-7] while i believe Allah's words contain no controdiction! Where the semen come from according to Qur'anic verses and give me more explaination inshaAllah? Thank you! May Allah bless you all! Aamin!.. More

  • Popularity of the recitation of Hafs from ‘Aasim

    Asalamu aleykum wwb why qiraa`a Hafs from 'Aasim is the most common. jazakalahul kheyr.. More

  • Vitiligo in the Quran and Sunnah

    Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb ... Is vitiligo disease a punishment in islam? is there a story in alquran about the disease? where is it in quran? is there a story in hadits regarding the disease? thank you for helping me find the answer of this .. More

  • Mus-haf of ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood

    Assalamo Aleikum wrb I really need your help my brothers. I am trying to write a full fledged rebbutal to an orientalist on the issue of the mushaf of Abdulah Ibn Masood Can you please give me the reference or hadith numbers of books that you gave your answer for this fatwa regarding the mushaf of ibn Masood and that it only contained his duaa and.. More

  • Meaning of Quran 5:101-102

    Can you explain the words of Allah in Surah 5:101-102. What are the things we should ask about and what should we not ask about. May Allah reward you... More

  • Meaning of Quran 35:28

    "It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah." (Quran 35:28) Is this verse specifically referring to some knowledge (such as Allah’s names and attributes) or the general Islamic Knowledge? For example, learning about how to make wudoo doesn’t make one more God-fearing, does it? Please also clarify which areas of knowledge.. More

  • The order of revelation of two Quranic verses about Hijab

    this is not a fatwa q. i want to know which aya concerning hijab was revealed first: the ayah in surat alnoor(31) or al-ahzab(59). and what is the resource(book) that would enable me to find out this information on my own concerning other ayat. plz send the answer to my email. jazakum allah khair.. More

  • Reciting Aayatul Kursi does not contradict with taking physical means of protection

    Asslam O Alaikum, I have heard that if you read Ayatul Kursi everyday, nothing can harm you? Is that True? If that is true then why learn martial arts or anything like that? People say do your part and put the rest trust in Allah (SWT), but I still don't understand this, because i would be wasting my time learning martial arts if I know that if I read.. More

  • Wants to write a book about the scientific signs of the Quran

    Assalamu alaikum Mufti Sahib Alhamdulillah I am confident that I can explain minfazlillah the whole working of Refrigerater and Air Conditioner by one ayat of Qur'an Hakeem. "QULNA YA NAARU KOONEE BARADAN WWA SALAMAN ALAAA IBRAHEEM" Can I write a syllabus book for engineering students mentioning this ayat's translation and hadith translation while.. More

  • The verse 2:259 is not related to the stages of the fetus development

    selamaleykum... a person today explained to me that human being 1st establishes bones and then gets clothed with flesh according to sura 2 verse 259 yet modern day science is supposedly in contradiction with this and that in actually it is the bone and flesh which progress at the same time? Please explain. Jazakum Allah.. More

  • The shortest verse in the Quran

    which versue is smallest versue of Holy QUran ?.. More

  • As-Samadiyyah verses

    As-salam alaikum, Kindly need to know which are Al-Samadiyyah verses in Quran. Thanks.. More

  • The two men mentioned in chapter Al-Kahf verse 37

    All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Asslamu Alikum.I know that the Holy Quran has no contradictions and it is a book of Allah's Guidance and His Blessing.But I was wondering how did the believing man in Surah Al-Kahf verse.. More

  • Quranic means of getting provision

    in al-kuran, there were any solutions for food crisis .. More

  • Meaning of Quran 4: 25

    asalamualykum in al quran it says "… Wed them with the permission of their own folk and give them their mahr (dowry) according to what is reasonable; they should be chaste, not adulterous, nor taking boyfriends…" [al-Nisaa' 4:25] so my question is here that the word boyfriend i did not understand the meaning of it,is it referring to people who 1)who.. More