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Sometimes I have inappropriate and nude images of girl in my gallery as well as Quranic quotes. When I open gallery it appears together. Is this a sin . Note - I have deleted these inappropriate pictures
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In Surah Jinn Allah states the Wordings of Jinns then how did the Jinns came up with verses as same as the Quran as Allah is stating their words in Quran thus proving that Jinns can say and make QURANIC verses! Or Allah summarised their words? Please answer!
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Does Tafsir Ibn Kathir have many weak hadith?
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If i see something (other than mushaf) is put above mushaf, can i move that thing? (Even though its not my belonging)
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What is the rules when qouting a part of hadith?, is it enough to just make sure i dont cut it where the meaning can be altered?.
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Is reciting istighfar obligatory if one makes a mistake in reading the qur'an?
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Shaytaan keeps whispering in my ear that (astaghafirullah) Islam is all made up and that the Quran was just written by man, but I know that’s all a lie, deep down I do. I am so scared of loosing my imaan, because several people have left Islam due to lack of correct information or answers on their questions. I have been battling with anxiety for two.. More
Assalamualaikum My question is about surah an nur. Is the ayah from 1 to 10 revealed before ayah 11 to 21 or afterjQuery111006932159875931461_1550856467147 Which ayah of surah an nur revealed first?
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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتهPlease can you state the guidelines on what constitutes respecting and disrespecting the Qur'an?e.g. the people don't let me keep the mushaf on my lap (i.e. my thighs) when i am sitting and reading Qur'an. What is wrong with that?
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As salaamu alaikum. I almost forgot to ask this question: I’ve had an argument with a friend and she said that the ayahs of the Qur’an cannot be abrogated by the Sunna of our Prophet (saws). I said that nikah mut’ah was forbidden by the Prophet (saws) in the Sunna and not in the Qur’an (i.e. there is no ayah in the Quran that says it is not.. More
assalam alikum in verse 3:7 when it says clear verses does that mean the clear verses cant have a different interpretation like for example scholors have a different interpretation for 33:59 some say this verse means niqab and some say it only means hijab so does this verse belong to the clear verses or ambigoty verse the non clear verses etc
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I have 3 questions. I read tafsir ibn kathir which states a hadith which is "whoever explains the Quran with his opinion or with what he has no knowledge of, then let him assume his seat in the fire" Then how can i ponder over Quran. Is there any linguistic tafsir of quran in english. My family bought a receiver which has some paid channels like cricket.. More
Assalamu Alaikkum Please give direct answer for my questions.I am a regular reciter of Quran finishing one Khatham per 8 days. My friend who also recites Quran but takes more days for one Khatham. He says he recites every day after Magrib prayer separately the Surahs “Thawba”, “Mulk” and “Vaqia”. Who is better in two of us? Is it better.. More
By the name of Allah I had i questionthat why did Allah mentioned in surat alhajj verse 65 that( Do you not see that Allah has subdued to you all that is in the earth and the ships that sailthrough the sea by His command?He iswithholdingthe sky in away that itcannot falldown onthe earthwithout Hispermission;surely Allahis very kindandmerciful tomankind.)but.. More
Assalamu Alaikum,Dear Sheikh,There is a group which says that Quran variants is with respect to pronounciation only and not related to variations in wordings.They say Imam Warsh is unreliable according to the science of hadith. If he is unreliable for hadith how can he reliable for Quran. Kindly clarify.Jazakallah
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