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As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Sheikh what the causes that make a person transgress the limit of Allah(?)(ie to commit sin). Would appreciate it, if you give a comprehensive answerJazak Allahu Khayran
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Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. I have read your article on islamweb on modesty(hayaa). Can you please give examples of natural modesty? Immortality is common in America. A person writes "First, many people would not regard drug use, porn production, divorce, out of wedlock kids, or prostitution "immoral" at all. ...". What I mean by examples.. More
Can a man braid his hair and also pierce his ears?
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Can Charity Erase Major sins by the permission of Allah like in the case of the prostitute who gave water to a dog and was forgiven.
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It may be better if this isn't posted publicly. I am 30 and have always loved Islam and enjoyed Da'wah work. Around 10 months ago some doubts creeped in (too complicated to explain) plus a fear of responsibility and the future; now I feel I have totally lost my faith and my humanity. Because these doubts creeped in when I was listening to Islamic material,.. More
Assalamaulikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakaatuhPeople claim that Allah said, "Hate the sinner and not the sin"Is this true? If so, could kindly quote the reference.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. Can you please define Zunooband Sayyi’aat. Are they different? If yes, please explain the difference. And does one of them cover the other one? I mean, do Zunoob also include Sayyi’aat and vice versa? May Allah reward you, respected Shaykhs.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Can you explain what evildoing is and when a believer becomes an evildoer? As for the hadith which says that Allah will not forgove a person who sins openly; does this mean that he will surely be thrown into the Fire, or may Allah forgive him if He wills and is that just a warning from the Prophet,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. A hadith says that it is a sign of piety to avoid doubtful things. My question is, if i do something that is doubtful (not clearly halal/haram) and that has different rulings from different scholars, will I be sinning? To make it simple, is it disliked or haram to do doubtful things? Please clarify.
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Assalaamu alaykum. What are the major and minor sins?
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Assalaamu alaykum dear Sir. Is it halal to sell tailoring materials when I am sure that many of those who buy them will use my products for the following:
1. To stitch shirts for men (which I think is halal),
2. To stitch normal garments and abayas for women (which I also think is halal),
3. To stitch churidars (a dress usually worn by non-Muslims.. More
Shaykh, my question is the following: Allaah says in the Quran, in Surah An-Nisa, ayah 31: {If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance [into Paradise].} So is there any value of minor sins in islam? And my second question is about the fact that Imam Ath-Thahabi wrote.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I recently read many of your fatwas in regards to certain disturbing subjects, such as incest, and many others, and brothers and sisters admitting to committing these sins. It made me realize as I read that our ummah is in a horrific state, engaging in some acts that are filthy and are not part of our.. More
can a man who pierce his ears ca be Imaam after he engaged in serious Tawba and deeply regretted ever doing that and when ahead to further his Islamic studies. What are his chances?
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salama aleikoum brother, A faasiq is one who commits big sins or is consistent in doing smaller sins according to the defintion of your site and many others. But can we still call one faasiq after he does tauwbah?Then another point is, we know the reality of today that many people do big sins like not doing hajj while having money, threating parents.. More
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