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Salam Alaykoum, If a muslim dies while intoxicated or he had drunk the day before and the day next he dies while not intoxicated whether he had the intention that day to drink or not and he dies in the week where he prayed the Friday prayer with the intention to be forgiven by Allah (swt) for the case he dies that week while he drinks whether he is.. More
ASALAM O ALAKUM!!!! I know watching TV is prohibited. But I want yo ask that in the present day almost all people watch TV.Some people watch Indecent programmes while some watch only dramas(containing music, not the words of disbelief not much spread of indecency the dramas made in Islamic countries like Pakistan. People watch them infront of house.. More
What is the Sharee'ah ruling on a woman who committed suicide before a criminal could rape her? .. More
Is the person who commits a major sin a disbeliever?.. More
what are the sins that Allah swt give the punishment faster while the man still alive?.. More
What is the ruling on a wittol (someone who tolerates adultery committed by his women-folk)?.. More
Why people disobey Allah?
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Asalamualiakum, brother last week i heard a shaykh from bahrain say that riba is greater than shirk or i thonk he said murtad. Can you please explain how and give evdience to your answer. May allah reward you!.. More
asalamualykum 1)It is said that "no minor sin is minor if you persist, and no major sin is major if you keep on seeking forgiveness"is there hadeeth from the prophet and evidence from the quran to support this especially i wanted to know for the minor sin,does persisting in minor sins makes it a major sin. 2)is it a major sin if one abuse's others.. More
If some one who was a singer died does his deeds will be continuous after his death. .. More
I would like to ask you the exact meaning of being cursed, for example Islaam curses those women who pluck their eyebrows, please could you tell me the exact meaning of cursing... More
Does committing a sin twice make it major sin?.. More
In the last 13 years of the Somali civil war, some Somali people have committed crimes against their fellow Muslim brothers, including rape, robbery, useless killings and confiscation of other people's properties and regions.
Worst still, they haven't repented of their crimes nor ceased their criminal activities and still consider themselves.. More
Are there any persons that Allah will not forgive?.. More
Identify five acts that will cause a person to be cursed by Allah... More
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