Is circumcising allowed in Christianity?.. More
Assalamu alaikum dear scholar. It is observed that in many medical centers male children/boys are being circumcised by lady doctors. Sometimes lady nurses are present there. Which seems quite immoral, shameless to me. Please tell me what is the rulings of islam on this matter. May Allah give you the best rewards... More
Did God create man in his full form? If yes then why do Muslims go for the process of removing the skin from the male sex organ? Isn't it something like questioning the Great God Almighty ?.. More
Assalamu Alaikom!! I once read, either in a magazine or online (I am not sure which) ,that female circumcision is not obligatory. But it is recommended to "beautify" the female genitalia in cases of deformity. I posted this in an online forum and have since been asked to provide daleel. I have searched and searched but cannot find the evidnce... More
Assalam o alaikum, I had read this hadith from your site The Prophet said: "The Prophet Abraham circumcised himself after he had passed the age of eighty years and he circumcised himself with an aze." I have heard that male circumcisation is far older than this and it was found in the form of painting in the caves during stone age and also in egyptian.. More
Asamulaikum, The type of cirmumission done in the provincial part of my country is done locally and must often the foreskin covereing the penis is not completely/wholey taken out(i.e they cut partly) .It leaves some some skin around the penis (penis is covered).And if this person grew up to full manhood without being re-circimised due to stigma posed.. More
What is the Islamic view on the circumcision of girls?.. More
What is the ruling on marrying a woman who is not circumcised?.. More
If a husband wants his wife to have a circumcision does she have to obey him? Or does she have the right to refuse because it should be her choice to decide what she does to her body? .. More
I heard a Saudi Shaykh say on Iqra' TV that the Hadeeth concerning female circumcision are all weak or fabricated. This is contrary to what I know and what I have read about the issue. I know that there is a Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said that female circumcision is an honor for the woman. I just need.. More
I'm an atheist and my wife is a Muslim. She wants me to have a circumcision in order to please here. My point is why should I? Why should I alter the body GOD gave me? It says that tattoos and other bodily markings are forbidden in the holy book. In addition I've heard men state that once cut they have erectile problems. Please advise... More
I am a Christian lady widow who wishes to become part of Islam, I have a 14-years-old boy who does not yet seek the way of Islam with me. He is not circumcised, would it be good in the eyes of Allaah to have him circumcised as my part of my faith in joining Islam. .. More
Please when is the best time [age] to carry circumcision on male children, Islamicly and medically? .. More
I have two questions. 1) What are the rulings for naming a child? 2) My in-laws follow this custom, that once a boy is born the circumcision is done only on 10th Muharram. What are the rulings for this? They say once someone tried to go against it and the life of the child was at sake. .. More
Is it compulsory that circumcision for Muslims be done by Muslim doctors if they are available?.. More
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