I have a son he was born with Down syndrome. He is 4 years now, but he hasn’t been circumcised and his penis is too small for that. Kindly give me an advise what I have to do... More
If a male converts to Islam is circumcision necessary or not?.. More
Did Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) ever in his life look on the private parts of his wives? This Hadith is narrated from Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) that he (peace and blessing be upon him) never looked at my private parts and I never looked at his private parts? Why did he never do that? Was that for modesty and shyness? Is this.. More
Some scholars say that female circumcision is Waajib, some say it is "likable". Are there also any who consider it as Haram? Others say that only some types are allowed. Please give me a detailed answer about the following types of circumcision whether it is Haram, Halal, Waajib, preferred or others: 1. Infibulation (cutting of the clitoris and all.. More
Is it necessary for a new Muslim to get circumcised? It is an expensive procedure in my country, and one man I know was seriously injured when he got "the chop"... More
What is Islamic ruling for female circumcision? I heard that some countries like Egypt already banned this ritual. In my home country it is still considered wajib for both male and female. And the authorised party explained that it was taken from Shafie school. Is it right? Here in Japan, a few Japanese Muslims ask me if they must go for a circumcision... More
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