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Assalamo alaikum, My question is regarding istikhara. I liked a guy, and did istekhara for marriage with him. Soon after it, things started getting bad between us and persisted for some time. I again did istekhara, and my heart was convinced to say no. I said no to him. He contacted again after about 2 weeks, i was interested too. We talked for some.. More
Assalamu Alaikum,If there are multiple Islamic opinions on an issue and someone is having trouble decisding on which opinion to follow, can they pray Istikhara to ask for guidance in following the right opinion?Thank you
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I started preparing for a entrance exam a year ago I found it tough so I left it now I want to try it again but there is not much time left for preparing it and I am unsure can I do istikara for this and what if the answer comes positive but I don’t give the exam
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Assalamualaikum, If there is someone we come across in our life we find is suitable, can we do isthikhara to know if we can proceed with a proposal for marriage? Jazak Allah Khair
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Assalaamu alaykum. A Muslim husband had an accident and became a paralytic and has been bedridden for the last eight months. The doctors treating him are hopeless of his recovery. The wife did istikhaarah (prayer of consultation) regarding doing a khulʻ (divorce at the instance of the wife in return of compensation payable by her)and getting married.. More
My question is about the Istikhaarah (guidance seeking) prayer. I had to choose between two things and, after praying Istikhaarah, Allaah made one of these two things easy for me. However, I did not choose this thing that Allaah facilitated for me, but I chose a third option that was not among the first two for which I made Istikhaarah. Is this permissible?.. More
Is it permissible to supplicate after the Istikhaarah (guidance-seeking) prayer for several needs? Some examples include staying in a country, remaining with a current employer or seeking another in the same country as opposed to returning to my homeland or some other country, marrying or not, etc.
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Assalamu alaikkum. Jazakkallah for your kind response always.May Allah grant you more and more knowledge and make Barakah!(stable Increase!)BTW,now my problem is, I had joined in a Madrasa for a 2 years course,which happens only in weekend from this January.Even though I made the earlier payments and registered as well as eagerly, at last moment I had.. More
My sister in law (my wife's sister) has a marriage offer from her Maternal Uncle's son (her cousin).Before, responding the boys family about any decision,my father in law who is my Maternal Uncle performed Istakhara (judging from omens) and he saw a dreadful dream;hence,they responded the boys family in negative.At this, the 80 years old ailing grandmother.. More
Is it permissible to perform the Istikhaarah (guidance-seeking) prayer after the Fajr (dawn) or the ‘Asr (afternoon) prayers? If it is impermissible, why is this so?
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I proposed to a girl after performing Istikhaarah and noticed that the matter was facilitated. However, after a while and due to the differences in our social statuses, my proposal was rejected. My question is; should I propose to this girl again, especially since my financial situation has improved somewhat, or does this constitute an objection to.. More
Is it permissible to pray Istikhaarah to choose between three matters? .. More
I was not selected for job for which I aspired a lot and I feel very much sorrow and grief all the times for not being selected .Later I read that if a man do ISTIKHARA he will never regret .Then my pain further increased and I thought “ O ALAS IF I HAD DONE ISTIKHARA BEFORE APPLYING I SHOULD HAVE NEVER FELT REGRET IF I HAD DONE ISTIKHARA“. Now.. More
i want to marry a woman. if i do istikhara and result come positive, should i tell to her that you do istikhara also or there is no need. if she do istikhara and result come negative. what should i do marry with her or not. Because this has happened to someone that is why i am asking you. if it happen with me what should i do.
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Assalamou Alaikoum, Is it permissible to make salat al istikhara if there are multiple opinions regarding a halal and haram matter. For example, there are multiple opinions on whether to use islamic banks services or not and I asked around and received multiple fatwas with multiple proofs from quran and hadith. As a person who does not know all.. More
You can search for fatwa through many choices