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is it permissible to live in joint family if i dont have any bad feeling or thoughts to my cousions.Is my maternal uncle's wives non mehram for me?.. More
Salam. if a person love someone and wanted to marry but in this world she/he married to other person, what will happen in heaven will that person love and desire to marry same person or his desire and love will be removed.
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I am a muslim man. I was previously married to a non-Muslim woman who was pregnant before we got married. I agree to be in the child's life and take the place of the child's father. I love this little girl; she is seven years old. I signed the birth certificate and more. In my heart, this is my child, and she will always be my child. I now remarried.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Are your parent's previous parents still treated as Mahrams (permanently unmarriageable) if they are no longer married to them but have divorced? So if you ever see them anywhere, can you look and talk to them like with an uncle or father? Is the stepgrandfather and stepuncle a Mahram too after your parent has divorced? If so, is.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. Please, what is the Islamic rulings on marrying your half-sister's daughter?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I got my answer, but I read in Behesti Johor that if a son touches his step-mother with lust, then the son's father and step-mother's relation will be haram forever. Is that true? If a son touches his biological mother with lust, does that ruin the son's father and mother's relation? I was born muslim. Please give me the answer according.. More
Is the stepparent of one's stepparent a mahram (permanently unmarriageable) to the stepson?
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Before anything will happen, I need to know verses and explanations. It was not clear for me the fatwa 8876. I am currently in relation with my aunt. I am 2 years older than her. We are not close to each other before even after college. It was not in my mind that she was my aunt. I got closer to her only when she started to work last 3 years ago and.. More
Respoected brother, Your answer to my question no 25152278 does not satisfy me completely. You have quoted a verse from the Quran stating that it is forbidden to marry the wives of sons born fro your loins or in other words biological sons. But once the son divorces his wife and they have no child from that marriage, then the father of the son is no.. More
Assalamualikum My Question is: Quran 4:22 Marry not women whom your father married except what is past- so are the concubines of father also included?? can son inherit the concubines of father in islam? .. More
Is the husband of my father’s grandmother a Mahram to me and to my father’s sister?
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Is the grandfather’s wife a Mahram woman to the grandsons?.. More
A man married a woman and divorced her after consummating the marriage with her and then she married another man. Is it permissible for her former husband to marry her daughter from her second husband?.. More
What is the ruling on a man marrying the daughter of his sister’s son?.. More
After the death of my husband I married his nephew who was the husband of my stepdaughter. Is this marriage considered valid under Sharee‘ah (Islamic law)? .. More
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