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Assalamualaikum . Please,Please answer this question. My grandfather has no own brother but 3 half brother . Now my question is that is wife of my grandfather's half brothers my mahram . Please answer this question
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Asalam u alaikum sir, my question is about foster relationship in Islam, there is women who claimed to be mother. She said that she has witnesses and evidences also. Which will prove our relationship. Know the confusion is I don't have any information about this relationship, nor proves or evidences. Niether my parents know about it. So what should.. More
salam alykum, i would like to breast feed an orphan child in order for him to become muhram to me and my daughter. we would like him to come live with us so that he can have a better life since he currently has no passport or nationality, therefore it will be difficult for him to get a proper education, job or get married in the future. we are able.. More
AOA,Scientist have created Genetically Modified Cows and Goats that give Human Milk so that it can serve as an alternative to human breast milk or formula milk. So are the laws of "Razaat" or Milk kinship is established by drinking the milk of these Genetically Modified animals. And if established then what is the period in which it establishes i.e.. More
Dear Brother. Assalaamu alaykum. I have two important questions on breastfeeding.
1. There is a hadith wherein ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said, “There was in the Quran [an verse which stipulated that] ten [was the number of] breastfeedings which created the relationship of mahram, then this was abrogated [by another verse which.. More
If an older or adult person or a person of any age or infant child or child of any age drinks the milk of any kind and type of haram animal which gives milk, i.e. monkey, cats etc, is the foster relationship through milk established by doing so?
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I heard in my childhood that my mother breastfed my cousin (father's nephew). However, as we grew up, this rumor faded, and I have been engaged to that cousin and am likely to marry him in a few months. Now, I have seen thrice ina dream that I am marrying my brother. It put me in severe doubts and revived the rumor related to the breastfeeding. I asked.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have come across some anti-Islam sites that allege that 'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, breastfed people who wanted to come in and see her. Could you please clarify this. I have read somewhere that she made her sister and daughter pour milk into a utensil and had people drink from that. Is that true? I also heard that.. More
Hello. My husband and I are planning to adopt a daughter, we already have a biological son who is 21 months old. I was unable to breastfeed my own son because I do not produce enough milk, so I doubt that I will be able to personally breastfeed the adopted child. So how else can I manage the Mahram (permanently unmarriageable) issue? Can I have my sister-in-l.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My mother breastfed my oldest sister and this boy, Ally, together. So I believe they are brother and sister. I was born many many years after. Ally got married and has a daughter. I would like to marry Ally's daughter. Am I allowed to marry Ally's daughter given that her father shared milk with my sister? Thank you.
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Respected Mufti Sahab,Since i married ,my husband suckles me. Now when i have a baby, and i am producing milk. Along with my child my husband as usually suckle my breast and consumes milk as well. Although its bit hard duty but due to his rights towards me . I do not mind to let him . I have also noticed that since he is consuming my milk, his asthma.. More
My question is that I have a cousin who I wanted to marry but the problem is that my mother says I was breastfeeded by my cousin's mother. Now when I asked my cousin's mother she refuses and says she didn't breastfeed me. Now in such situation what should be done as girl's side say no milk was taken my boy baby, but boy's mother says milk was given(I.e.. More
My question is similar to Fatwa No : 83788...I got married to my cousin (his mother is my Fufu and my cousin is 6 years elder than me) in 2010 and i have 1year and two months a baby boy. The reason is that when my cousin at the age of three days old my real mother take own milk for drink to him only one time without permission of my aunt (fufu), but.. More
Dear Brother We are group of volunteers consists of Law attorneys, gynecology, neonatologists, pediatrics, family physicians, nurses and social workers, worried about maternal and infant mortality rate in Pakistan because United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has notified that the biggest challenge for Pakistan, right now, is the high infant mortality.. More
1 1)I adopted a child and she is 4 years old could it is possible my husbands nephew wife feed her milk(with spoon) so she become mahrram to my husband. 0.. More
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