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After child (boy) birth 6 month later her mother was dead. When no one can produce breast milk only can produce milk his elder sister. She is 25-26 years old woman.She is married woman. She has a child 5 years old. She doing start breastfeeding her own only one younger brother. What kind of relationship make between brother and sister ? .. More
Assalaam Alaikum. there is a sister who is married but is unable to have children. she has adopted her husbands sisters son who is now 2 and a half yrs old. she knows that he cannot be her mahram after he reaches the age of puberty. can the child feed from her sisters (who is currently pregnant) milk and then become her mahram? .. More
Assalamu alaikum.I gave breast feeding to my co sister's child with the intention my children and my husbands children become Mahrams.I gave 3 times milk.But now I heard I had to give 5 sucklings.Does that mean my children and their children will not become Mahrams?Our intention was as such.But it was only ignorance that we gave 3 sucklings.So because.. More
Many women breast-feed their young male relations so that they and their kids may be allowed together alone later on in their life. Recently, two Saudi clerics advocated extending the practice to unrelated adult males. As part of Islamic law, men and women are forbidden to be alone together, unless they are blood relatives or have established maternal.. More
What does Islam say about breastfeeding after two years of age? Also does Islam allow a mother to still be breastfeeding her child at a much older age, even after puberty for example at age 14? Can any woman breastfeed any child (under two years of age) she wishes to establish a milk-mother relationship? For example an older sister aged 24 breastfeeding.. More
my cousin has drink the milk of his grandmother (but its not sure grand mother denies that by sying there is no milk at that time but she usually kept his breast in his mouth) grandmother's last child was born almost 10 years before my cousin. can he marry with his first cousin or not.. More
Sir i collected below given condition from this website i have shown my parents, My parents are asking me where this is exactly discussed is "Quran Pak", Sir my basic question is tell me where this is discussed in "Quran Pak" that i could be able to show them, tell me Surah Name, Ayat no. I will be thank full to you Here are some conditions: 1) According.. More
Asslamualaikum, Can you tell me the reasoning behind why a child who has a wetnurse, is considered a sibling of any children sharing that womans milk. Wassalaam.. More
Dear grand Imam, Would you please let me know that: if a woman feed children with her breast milk more then five times, without the permission of thier parents and only and only for evil motivation (to aviod thier future marriages), does it apply FOST (Rezait). should you happen to have any queries, please feel free to contact me, BEst regards zabi.. More
Respected All Assalam-o-Alaikum God bless you all as you are making great efforts to bring real Islam in people lives. I have a question to ask you. I did marriage with my cousin 2 ½ years ago. My grand mother adopted my wife when her age was 6 or 8 months due to separation between her parents. Now somebody told us that my grand mother breastfed her.. More
I would like to know if a woman takes hormone pills to induce breast milk so that she can breastfeed her adopted son, is it the same ruling as breast milk that comes naturally i.e. that comes because of her delivering her own child. The induced milk (produced because of the hormone pills taken) is fed before the child is 2-years old and more than 5.. More
My sister in-law breast fed her adopted son more than five times at the age of 13 months. Is he considered Mahram to me as the boy's aunt i.e. can I remove my Hijaab in front of him? Please provide relevant Daleel. .. More
If two sisters breast feed each other's children will their fathers become Mahram to the children. Also whether daughters and sons of each sisters become Mahram?.. More
My cousin was breastfed by my grandmother. Does that make him my a Mahram and my uncle? And if that makes him my uncle, does that mean that all his other brothers that were not breastfed by my grandmother, are also my uncles? Or does that mean that only he is a Mahram? For example I can't marry him, but can I marry his brother? Will you be sending the.. More
I want to find out about lactation without going into details. What is the opinion regarding a husband drinking his wife's milk, intentionally or unintentionally? Thank you very much.
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