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I have been recently married. But my wife is not obedient to me at all. She doesn't not speak to me for months. She fights for small petty things and put a question forward for anything told to her. She does not respect me and ask me to do things which are against Deen or Duniya e.g. like to leave my parents. She is not ready to accept that in.. More
I had an argument with my wife, so she left the house more than a month now. Is rely bothering me that she has gone. What should I do? You think that like a divorce? Because to me I feel like it. Should I take her back? What the Islaam point of view of that? She used to cover her hear, so after a while she uncovered I asked her to do so but.. More
My friend has recently got married 6 months back. His wife is very disobedient to him back answers and fights on everything. Sometimes she doesn't speak to him for months. During quarrel she asks for a divorce and even uses bad words for him and his family. The girl's family is well aware and pleads the boy to be patience. The boy is considering.. More
I married an American woman; I tried to convert her to Islam and made her to accept Islam. But she always refused to follow Islam. Now I feel that no more I can live with her. She always drinks at home and she keeps a dog with her. Right now I can't leave her for official reasons. I want to ask does Allah accept my prayers and forgive me?.. More
My wife cheated on me twice. Every time she said I'm sorry; I would not do that, and start praying. I have 2 girls. I don't want them to be without mother. What is the opinion of shariah? By the way she cheated on me by an e-mail love letter to another man... More
I'm married for 12 years and have 3 kids. My problem is that my wife doesn't want to practice Islam correctly. For example, she refuses to wear Hijab; she shake man's hands, etc. I don't know if I have to divorce because I am responsible and I fear the Hereafter. On the other hand, I am afraid if I do that I'll lose my kids (bad education from her).. More
How does Islam judge a wife who -after she left her husband without divorce and left her children for him to raise - tries to make the children hate their father although the father is a very good Muslim and loves his children? She also married another man without getting divorce.
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My question is about beating women in islam and I want to know if the man is allowed to beat his wife if she has said some bad thing against him when they are talking. Is it an islamic behavior that the man got very angry and he beats his wife and then said that the religion allowed him to do that even if he has not follow the three known steps.. More
My wife used to wear Hijab and pray but now after 10 years, she doesn't wear Hijab and Salat. I spoke with her many times, but I now think to divorce her.
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I'm married and my wife promised me to put Hijab some month after marriage. Now she doesn't feel like put it any more. She prefers to put it on when she is 50 years old or more. What do I have to do? Am I responsible for her? Do I have to divorce her? For the moment she is waiting for a baby.
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Could you please give me some advice how to treat a Muslim wife who doesn't pray and doesn't wear Hijab?
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My wife has been with me here in the United States for about a year now and she originally came from Jordan. After she arrived to the U.S, she completely changed and fell astray. She started to verbally abuse and beat me. She also refused to dress in accordance to the Sharia, and would constantly disobey me. She also attempted to commit suicide numerous.. More
I have been married five years. Currently, I'm a student in U.S. Unfortunately, I found out that my wife is having affairs with some guys. It's not sexual (thank God), but she talked to them via chat program and she exchanged e-mail and keeps in touch by phone. Once, I caught her; I forgave her because I don't like to disclose her behavior and to protect.. More
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