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Asalam-o-laikum My friend married her husband because he was Islamic as she is practicing herself. she has been married for the last 3 years but in-between that time they were seperated for a year (2012). whilst they were apart he started dealing drugs, Drinking Alcohol and sleeping around. When he took her back, he promised that he would change, but.. More
I have been married for twenty years and have four childrens 2 girls,2 boys.My husband gave first talak last year did ruzu next day. he gave second talak on 16 feb 2013.since then we are staying seprate and he is not providing money for me and childrens. On 18 march he came in the night and started to force me in front of my children's and said if I.. More
assalamalaikum,im married since 2009 but i left my husband 2011 because of mentally,emotionally and physically abusive husband and i can't take living with his brother on the same house.we are planning to get divorce but we found out that i was pregnant that time so divorce was cancelled but still i live alone on the whole pregnancy and he never give.. More
Selam aleküm, my story is a bit complicated. I'm just escaped from my violent, psychopathic man from Turkey. I am a German woman who has lived in Alanya for almost 9 years and since October 2005, I am married with this Muslim man. At first everything was quite normal, but he had hit me in the time already 2 times and so much so that there the police.. More
I have separted from my husband throgh khoula 3 years before. after 24 years we lived together.we have 2 daughters. within 6 months he got his second marriage and now his second wife delivered a boy. my both daughters married. I am a working lady and i have spent all earning with him and bought 2 houses which is under his name. because of khula i could.. More
Assalamualailum, I have few doubts in regards to Khula -Talaq-Marriage. My friend married a girl 3 years back. This was against both the parents wish and knowledge. They both dint tell at their homes regarding their marriage and stayed in their respective parents homes. When the parents came to know about their marriage , the girls father asked his.. More
Assalaam u alaikum, Can you please tell me that if a husband does not give his wife mahr although it has been specified in the contract and she wants a divorce, does she have to buy back her freedom or can she simple ask for divorce? Jazak Allahu Khayr.
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After ten years of constantly trying (and two kids) I have determined there is no peace left in my marriage. We have both tried our best to overcome our problems yet we are still unable to come to a solution same as the first week we married. I'm taking my husband to court for khulu although he is not accepting, I am finished. I know for men, if they.. More
As Salaam Alai Kum A girl was married at age of 17+ without her consent; during the relationship of marriage she had three children; the woman quite often brought to the attention of her family members the strains in the first marriage, however, they asked her to continue. They could not get along and finally divorced each other, mutual agreement... More
ASAK, My friend was very good person, Whenever his wife does any wrong also he use to advice her not to do like this (fear from ALLAH) but still she was doing wrongs things like that telling lies, backbiting etc., she used to obey her mother families only, but she didn’t care her husband & his family. After somedays she started fighting to go.. More
i took khul'a from the man i was married to. correct me, the procedure of khul' is that i have to return the mehr money or any gift or dowry from him, but in india the girl's father gives her dowry which included complete room furniture and kitchen equipments, also i was not given my mehr money, so in my case i have the right to take back complete.. More
Respected Mufti Sahab, I have requested for khula from a Qazi court of Karachi which is also known as family court. I have been granted marriage dissolution on the last day of pre-trial and my x-husband was also present providing reasons to judge against divorce. I took khula on following grounds: 1- he had none basic knowledge of Islamic rules.. More
I married the man I love 3 years back. I did and sacrificed a lot for him. But he left me for an another married woman without fulfilling his responsibilities. Now I'm hurt and heart broken. He forced me to give him a divorce. I did what he said, but I never signed the paper. Now my parents want me to get married. But that is impossible for me... More
i have been married for 4 years and my husband is working in call center and he is always having night duty. He is having problem with sexual intercourse and he cannot produce children as he is suffering from severe oligospermia and premature ejaculation and he is not at all interested in me. And he does not want to do any treatments and he has.. More
Respected Scholar, This further to my question ref:-2357206, As my case in Islamic Court, I had issued Khula with conditions that 3 hours custody and weekly meeting with my daughter. But my wife & in laws are not agree over that? I am stick to my conditions. If we both (me & wife) are stubborn to the said situation. Apparently my question,.. More
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