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As-salaamu Alaikum,My sister got married to a man from my country who lives in America. It is nearly nine years now and the marriage has never been consumated. He has tried to get her a visa several times with no success. I am very worried for my sister and want the marriage to be disolved. Is this marriage still valid? if so can my sister terminate.. More
I need someone to answer I'm lost I meet someone on the net last 2-years and we meet we get married Islamic way with witnesses in Australia. I love him so much but he has no job when we meet he said to me he has exam to pass then will be together I wait for 2 years nothing happen he never had his exam now I'm in the USA he is in Sydney we don't.. More
I would like ask question about marriage, my relative, Al-Hamdulillaah is married 7 month ago from today I'm writing. The wife is most patient person I ever seen she does have her downs but the husband, Subhanallah is worst husband a wife can ever ask for Allaah. He is alcoholic, smoker, does come home some nights, he does not support her financially.. More
I have no relation with my husband for more than three years. We are living in the same house but we don't even sit with each other. I hate him for what he is. I demanded divorce but he wants to keep torturing me and did not agree. I have a three years old daughter, if I go for 'Khula' I may lose her. I am educated and earning and more capable.. More
I need an advice. I converted to Islam 4 years ago Al-hamdulillah. I married who I thought was a strong Muslim man. Turn's out he is extremely weak, he drinks, he doesn't pray. My problem firstly is the fact that 3 months after he had left his first wife he then in turns goes back home to her, and without discussing it with me. I have dealt with.. More
I married my husband 10 years ago after 5 years of innocent love, the very first day of marriage he became a completely different personality, but I couldn't tell anybody because my family did not want me to marry him at the first place because of social differences. Anyway, I accepted everything he did and fulfill all his need even by doing some.. More
Egyptian husband refuses to marry in the mosque. We are both Muslims. Keeps saying yes but never does nothing to make it happen. I went out of town for few days found he been having online sex with women from all over and some in same city Houston. I am so hurt and disappointed I told him to leave. He did for 4 hrs then come back. He doesn't.. More
For a husband and wife whether the Khul’ has taken place in the light of the letter reproduced below? (If yes, what is the next procedure to be followed? If no, what is to be done?) This is the letter exchanged between one wife (Mrs. XYZ) and one husband (Mr. ABC) {Mrs. XYZ wrote: "I Mrs. XYZ w/o Mr. ABC would like to take separation from.. More
I was married to a guy and I spend three worst years in my life with him and two years ago I left my house to my parent house, we had divorced by Australian law but he refuse to divorce me by Islamic law, I don't want to go back to him and I want Talaaq, because someone want to marry me, what can I do? According to Shariah, after certain time.. More
Please tell me or explain what is Khul'? .. More
I was married before 2 years, that was arranged by my parents and my in-laws, no intensions from my side. When my in-laws came to my home for my proposal they do not show anything. And said everything is perfect in their house .my husband was in USA at that time. After that my husband came to my homeland and my parents call him at home that.. More
I want to know whether there any such thing in Islaam as "self divorce" meaning Talaaq or divorce happens on its own after some circumstances as in case which I'm referring. A husband has left his wife who has a kid from him. He doesn't support her in any way n she has no sort of contact with him not even in mail. He doesn't even mail her.. More
I would like to ask a question on a strange situation a couple who had been married for 4 months, had a huge argument and the husband leaves and they don't communicate with each other at all for 2 years accept on a few occasions, the form of contact was telephone conversations trying to solve the problem, the lady tries to get back with the husband.. More
I am asking on behalf of a friend whowould like to know if a woman is really unhappy in her marriage and her husband is not practicing Muslim and is doing all wrong things which affect her and her children has she the right to get a divorce. She has tried and tried to make it work by asking him to follow Allah's rules but he chooses his bad friends... More
My husband and I have had many problems in the past about him gambling and drug use, which leads to him never being of home. I have left him to stay with my mum about 6-7 times and he refuses to stop, we have a 3yr old daughter together, and many people, including his parents, have told him to stop this behavior but he will not. He doesn't pray.. More
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