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Previously my daughter and son joined a Islamic school who informed that there were CBSC board and later found they were not. So we put them into another school. I don’t know I have done right. It has been few months that my daughter has started having symptom of epileptic seizure. She was a very bright student in class and school. Should I put.. More
Salaamoealeikoum wa rahmatoelah, May Allah reward you with the beste place in the akhira and guide all muslims. My children (3yrs and 6 yrs) are often fighting. I try not to to choose part of anyone, but i just dont know how to react anymore. i try to stay calm, make dua, but it is to often. Please how can i guide my children. How did the prophet.. More
There are some Christian schools where nuns teach and a strict code of conduct is observed in such schools. Female Muslim teachers teach Islam and there is a female Muslim inspector. The Nuns are not racists and they do not teach Christianity to Muslim students, who are the majority there. Is it permissible to send my children to such schools?.. More
im afraid to loose my family because my 2 sons always argue with their father and our life now became as hell,everyday they argue and our sons now feel that their father is so mean and they feel that their dad doesnt love them but only want to oblige them to do what he wants in fact my husband loves them so much but he doesnt know how to express.. More
salam aleikum. i have problems with my daughter who is 7 years and i really need som advice. I live in scandinavian kafer country. I have convert 2 and half years ago. one year after i converted i finded my husband who is very good muslim and we now have one son with who is 4 months. before i married him i have one daughter with other man (whn i was.. More
Assalaamu alaikum,
I have children, and I know that one day they will ask me where do babies come to or what are the names of thier private parts, I know they might be any age when they ask these questions, and in my own humble opinion, I always believe that it is best to be truthful and give them the exact names of the anatomy, I don't like making.. More
dear brother
i am suffering from depression and would like some help please. i have had it for 7 years now and feel very guilty as my eldest was then 6 years old and now she is nearly masha Allah 13.
i have been a nagging picky mother especially to her, which has lead her to be a bit upseet with me. i was grumpy, you name it everything.asthaghfurAllah!.. More
Asalamualaikum sister/brother, I have a child who is turning one year next week. Ever since she was born she never had proper sleep in the night. Instead she cries out a lot and becomes boystous when it is time to sleep, And often goes to sleep by 0400 am in the morning. I have tried and tried my best to get her in track but is just never happens. Now.. More
As salaam alekom wa rahmatuAllah wa berakatu. I am a reverted muslima for 4 months now. I am also divorced, and i have one daughter who is 14. She hasn't accepted Islam yet, even though I teach her it, and it's principles. I am finding it very hard to sometimes deal with her, and her unacceptance. I want her to wear hijaab, but she refuses, except when.. More
Salaam Alaikum,
I have a 5 year old daughter alhamdullilah... she has some symptoms if you could please help to diagnose her.
very bad breath in her mouth hunger lazy She also steals and lies too.
Jazak'Allah khair.. More
Salam. I have daughter with special needs. Unable to do anything on her own eat,walk, talk, dress herslef and so on, she is the greatist gift I have ever received. I treat her to the best of my abliltiy as does my husband. I have just started reading the Holy Quran, my questions is what is the benifits of having a child with special needs and after.. More
Salam. I am a single father of 2 daughters aged 14 and 9. Only the first 1 has started her periods 2 years ago. Since then I let her be independent with herself (let her bathe on her own), therefore I wasn’t in knowledge of some of her problems. A week ago I accidentally saw her frontal part when she came out, and I noticed that she has an awful amount.. More
Assalamu Alaikum. Dear scholar, what does Islam say about over protectionism of children. eg. not allowing boys (7+) to go (alone) to (local) mosque to pray five compulsory prayers, etc. Wassalam... More
as salam alaikum please could you tell me the ruling on a mother or father who laughs at their children who are upset and crying? and also the same question to one who torments or winds a child up to the extent of upsetting them? i truly appreaciate how busy you are but i really need a answer asap. jazallah khayran, .. More
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