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I have a daughter of 13 years of age. She has been attracted to worldly affairs more than normal. I was wondering how to guide her? .. More
A woman converted to Islam at the age of 35. Her daughter was about 13 this time. In the meanwhile the woman was married to a Muslim and the daughter converted to Islam also. Than a terrible think happened. The daughter at the age of 18 began to have lesbian relationship with a girl the mother gave her two alternatives: First to stay at home (and.. More
I want to ask if I be responsible for my step-son who does not want to pray or learn about Islam at the Day of Judgment, he is 15-years-old, he fast Ramadhaan because I force him to. He is living with me for 5 years. So what I should do?.. More
It is compulsory duty of a Muslim father to see all his members of the family to pray five times a day. In his family one of the matured member, in fact his own son is not bothered about the prayer. The parents giving lots of advice, good and bad, punishments of the hellfire did not move him; (during the advice time he prays once or twice.. More
I have a daughter with downs syndrome, she is six now, Alhamdu Lillaah, she gone through a lot of big tests; her intelligent is about 3-4 (according to doctors assessment), she has a very good memory, quick response, loving and caring, polite, etc., but she can't talk very clearly, and sometimes when I teach her about Islaam,.. More
I am a working mother with a 2 years old son. His babysitter is not a Muslimah and it is almost impossible to find a Muslimah to take care of him while I am at work .My husband is worrying that since she is with him 8hours a day her religion might influence our baby although my husband takes him with him to the mosque and we are teaching him Muslim.. More
Dear sir I have a daughter who is fifteen years old and she committed a sin with a boy. I don't know what to do. So please if you have any advice let me know on this matter.May Allah be will all of us Aameen?.. More
My wife does not have much knowledge of Sariah and I am busy in my work which is outside. How can I educate my children?.. More
I would really appreciate your reply to my question concerning sexual education in the curriculum in schools. When and how should this material be presented to our students? Please reply because I am working on a project... More
I would like to ask you about small Muslim children who go to kindergarten or pre-school together with un-believers in non-Muslim countries. They adopt their habits and behaviour and way of speaking very quickly. Teacher doesn't respect their religion because especially our Czech society is mostly unbelieving. Is it better to prevent them from such.. More
I am 13 years old, yesterday I got a key stage three science book and as soon I opened the book, it shows you about growth and how humans develop, and it tell you what happens to boys and girls at the age of puberty and how babies come. So it is really sex education. Should I read it or skip the page? I have not started yet; I just took a quick glance... More
I got pregnant 2 years ago and my baby was diagnosed with several abnormalities and the doctors recommended abortion. Al-Hamdulillah, my husband and I did not listen to them and kept the baby who turned out to be a wonderful and healthy baby. He is now 16 months old but he is a dwarf, very short. My heart breaks every time I look at him and just want.. More
Is it allowed for a non-Muslim to take care of Muslim children, i.e. friend who is non-Muslim or housemaid who is non-Muslim? Also, is it allowed for a non-Muslim to look after Muslim children when there is an older Muslim lady in the house at the same time, who might be in another room from them?
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I have a little boy of 3 years old. He has cerebral palsy, chronic lung disease and other medical problems. I live in England. The problem is that I will have to put him in a special school when he is 5 years old, but these schools are run by non-Muslims staff and of course, boys and girls are mixed (but at least there are many other Muslim children.. More
I do not trust my brother (17 years old) in law to be around my 3 years old daughter. My Muslim wife wants to visit her family (non-Muslim). I do not want my daughter to go with her. Is that permissible? And how I can present this issue to my sensitive wife?.. More
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