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Asalam alakum, with regards to wastefulness, extravagance, excessiveness, with food, I see a lot of waste, food being bought and brought into the house, because there is so much food, usually the plate is not wiped clean, and small amounts of food is neglected and usually ends up in the garbage, and I bear eating some of the leftovers and what’s neglected,.. More
I have a brother that buys food through apps like doordash or ubereats. Once the food arrives from the restaurant he refunds it through the app. The delivery company such as doordash or ubereats then pays the restaurant so they still get paid. Is eating this food unlawful for me and my brother. If it is will it affect supplication?
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Is there any limit in eating meals in islam? I eat 5 to 6 small meals everyday. I also make sure that I'm not extravagant in these meals. As Allah mentioned he doesn't like those who are extravagant. Is there any number of meals prescribed in Islam?. Can i eat meals when i wish but without being extravagant.
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What is the permissible amount that we can store of our daily necessary things like food, groceries, cleaning materials etc for the quarantine period during the Corona virus epidemic? (especially when there is a possibility of running out these things)
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatu Llahi wa barakatu.
If the ingredients of a food which we cook are bought from halal money , but the tools we use for cooking are achieved from haram money; is the this food haram?
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Assalam Alaikum
I am a Muslim living in the United Kingdom. Need to ask about some "Halal" restaurants here, they are serving non-halal beef as well.
One of our brothers here told me not to eat there as there is a risk of "cross-contamination", as they might use same knife/tools/grill for halal beef and non-halal beef without washing them.
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If a kaafir has a cheese business where he slaughters animals (improperly) just for their rennet, then is it permissible to get cheese from him?
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Asalam u aliekum What is the ruling of eating foods like (chocolates, bread, cookies etc ) containing emulsifier agents like e471, e472 or anyother like that. Mostly when we don't know either they are vegetable basis or pork basis?.please guide.JazakalAllah u khair
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Asalam Alykoum warahmatu Allahu,What is the ruling of a pizza shop throwing leftover unused pizza dough.Jazakum Allahu khier.
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i started seeing in the internet that some butter may be haram in europe . do i have to search and call the company even though i don't know which butter is haram and i don't know language ?
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There is this pressure on women in the Muslim world today to be able to cook really well. There is this stereotype that a good Muslim woman makes lots of stews. Ramadan has become some sort of food holiday in which these ladies cook very intensely. It is delicious food, and it is easy to overeat. It is rather frowned upon to not follow this stereotype,.. More
Is playing with fruits and vegetables without wasting them in order to teach kids haram?
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Is it permissible to use starch for making ceramic dough, which is used in making decorative flowers?
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What is the ruling on using edible substances to clean one's skin, for example by adding milk, honey or aromatic substance to the bathtub to clean the skin?
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During whose period the fish (haram) and liver was forbidden to eat .. More
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