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assalam, the 38 verse of the 5th surah in the quran is "[As for] the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in recompense for what they committed as a deterrent [punishment] from Allah . And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise." End quote. If I was a young person like in 5th grade or younger and I used to steal, does this punishment also.. More
What is the punishment for an immature (one who is not reached puberty) boy or girl who commits rape, murder or robbery? For example, what is the punishment for a nine-year-old boy or girl who commits robbery, murder or rape?
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Why has the Sharee'ah prescribed a corporal punishment for killing, Zina (adultery/fornication), and theft but not for dealing in Riba (interest), for example, although its harms affect the Islamic society as a whole? What should one do to purify himself from a major sin he has committed?
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Someone accused my sister of committing unlawful sexual intercourse with him. He even claimed that she got pregnant and had an abortion! We asked a Muslim female doctor to check her, and she told us that she is still a virgin and nothing of what this man claimed is true. Please note that we are living in a country that does not implement the Hudood.. More
Asalaam alaikam I want to know regarding the khalifah if he is a evil disobedient one what happens in the following situation. If the khalifah,king and imam does zina or a crime that warrants the hadd is it true there is no hadd for him because the khalifah can impose it on himself and we are ordered to obey the khalifah even is he a fasiq? Some people.. More
Salaams, Could you show verses alluding to corporal punishment in the Qur'an?.. More
Islamiclly how do we punish young children committing criminal acts, e.g. killing someone? I asked this question, because a lot of young children, who are not yet mature are committing big crimes
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Kindly give clear guidance to the evidentiary value of following aspect.1. Can a copy of video cassette carrying no date, place, time be produced as evidence in case of Hudood against Muslim man and woman where neither are a complaint's to against the other?2. Can a state officer or a state judge proceed the Hudood or Tazir against man and woman where.. More
I understood that application of penalties in Islam (Hudud) may be done only by an Islamic state ruled by Kitabullah and Sunnah. As a Muslim minority in Australia, I said that individuals cannot apply Hudud on other individuals. What is the evidence from Qur'an and Sunnah?
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