There are 2024 articles

  • The Seriousness of the Trust in the Noble Quran

    Allah Almighty says (what means): {O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined.. More

  • From the rights of brotherliness

    One of the greatest blessings Allah, the Exalted, bestows upon His servants is having righteous brothers with whom they get along and among whom there is mutual love. No doubt, such brotherliness has rights that should be observed. Our topic here is not the general rights between Muslims, yet the special rights of brotherhood, which we will address.. More

  • The long road to rebuilding Gaza

    More than two years after the 2014 war, displaced citizens are still struggling to survive. Samia Qudaih and her husband, Mohammed Baraka, have been struggling to survive with their son and five daughters in the al-Zanah area of Gaza, east of Khan Younis, for the past two years. In preparation for winter, they covered their caravan with nylon. "We're.. More

  • Contemporary Contracts and Transactions

    The insurance contract The commercial insurance contract is one of the unlawful contracts because of the gharar (risk due to uncertainty about the sold item) involved. The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was reported to have forbidden the gharar-based selling. [Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with.. More

  • Foods and Drinks - II

    • Ruling on alcohol: 1- Ibn ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with them, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "Every intoxicant is khamr (alcohol), and every intoxicant is haram." [Muslim] 2- ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,.. More

  • Foods and Drinks - I

    • Ruling of foods and drinks: According to principle, all good and beneficial things are lawful and all harmful and evil things are unlawful. Moreover, all substances are lawful and permissible to use, except those proven otherwise by evidence, or those which cause certain and evident harm. 1- Allah Almighty has made all that which entails benefit.. More

  • The Muslim Minority in Japan

    Japan lies to the East of the Asian Continent. It is an archipelago of islands in the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by Russia and North Korea and South Korea in the West. According to the latest statistics, its population is 127.3 million. Approximately 80% of Japanese people adopt Buddhism and Shintoism, more than 1% are Christians and less than 1% are.. More

  • Israel's other army expanding illegal settlements

    Abuses of power committed by Israel's Civilian Security Coordinators (CSCs), civilian guards of the illegal settlements, continue to contribute to settlement expansion into Palestinian-owned land across the occupied West Bank, according to an Israeli rights group. In following the behavior of the CSC guards over a decade, rights group Yesh Din has.. More

  • Idlib overwhelmed by influx of Aleppo's wounded

    When surgeon Mounir Hakimi operated on five-month-old Maram in the Syrian province of Idlib last week, the horrific extent of her injuries quickly became clear. "She lost both her parents in an air strike, has multiple fractures, a wound in her abdomen, and has lost lots of skin," Hakimi told Al Jazeera in a telephone interview. "We.. More

  • Al-Khaleel Ibn Ahmad: founder of Arabic lexicology and prosody

    As soon as the sun rose and cast its golden rays, the market of coppersmiths in Basra became full of activity and liveliness. Groups of people started to come to the market one after the other to purchase their goods. The workers’ hammering sounds increased as they made copper utensils. Everyone was working hard and eagerly seeking to secure their.. More

  • History of the Sunnah -I: At the time of the Prophet

    Muslims were, early on, aware of the significance of the Sunnah and its authority. They, one generation after the other, were keen to preserve the Sunnah because they saw that as a part of the preserving of the last revelations man is ever to receive. Their efforts were unabated, and the remarkable job they did is unparalleled in the experience of any.. More

  • A husband's responsibilities towards his family

    The family is that brick which forms the foundation of a society. It is composed of individuals that have permanent relations established between them. Most importantly, it possesses almost a majority of the different kinds of personal relations. Because of this, there must be certain etiquettes placed in order to control and regulate these relations... More

  • Altruism

    If it is easy for you to give without being annoyed, you are a generous person. If you are one of those who donate profusely and retain only little for themselves, you are openhanded. However, if you give while in need yourself, you have reached the highest degree of generosity: altruism; this stems from staunch faith, genuine love, perseverance and.. More

  • Myanmar: Evidence suggests army did burn Rohingya homes

    An international rights group claimed Tuesday that new satellite imagery and interviews with refugees show the military was responsible for the mass destruction of Rohingya villages in a conflict-torn area near Myanmar’s border with Bangladesh. Myanmar's government has claimed that villagers burned down their own homes to evoke international.. More

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