There are 2024 articles

  • Celebrating Al-Mawlid is a Bid'ah

    The commands mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah to follow the laws of Allah and His Messenger  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) and the prohibitions of introducing innovations into the religion are quite clear. Allah Says (what means): Say [O Muhammad], 'If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins.’&q.. More

  • Bombard and besiege: How Syrian army took over Aleppo

    When the Russian intervention into the Syrian conflict accelerated in mid-2016, many analysts and partisans declared the "Battle of Aleppo" to hold the key to the future of the Syrian conflict. Decisive victory one way or another, or the re-establishment of a military stalemate, would dramatically affect the course of the conflict and the.. More

  • The Prayer of Seeking Allah's Guidance (Salat Al-Istikharah)

    The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, was keen to teach the believers the Du’aa' (supplication) for Istikharah (seeking Allah’s guidance). Jaabir, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated: "The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, would instruct us to pray for guidance in all of our concerns, just as he would teach us a chapter.. More

  • Gaza doctors launch an appeal to save children's lives

    Serag Tafesh and Hassan el-Qaied are at risk of dying if the power goes off. Both are two-month-old babies in an intensive care unit at Al Dura, a children's hospital in Gaza, and their life-saving medical equipment stops working when the electricity goes off. The two babies were born with congenital malformations that have left them comatose. Yousef.. More

  • Rohingya in Rakhine state suffer government retaliation

    When Faizul fled the shouldering remains of his village in Myanmar's Northern Rakhine state, he barely noticed the shards of wood that punctured every extremity of his body. He just wanted to escape the bullets raining down from a helicopter above. But by the time he reached Bangladesh, a shrapnel wound on his right leg had grown to the size of a golf.. More

  • Hunger and desperation: Aleppo siege tests limits of endurance

    As Syria's regime presses a fierce assault on eastern Aleppo, its siege is making life ever harder for civilians who are being forced to sift through garbage for food and scavenge firewood from bombed-out buildings. With winter setting in, shortages of food, medicine and fuel coupled with intense air strikes and artillery bombardment are testing the.. More

  • Malicious Allegations Against Hijab – IV

    The seventh allegation: Many people quote an argument which indicates ignorance about the proofs behind Hijab (Islamic covering) as well as ignorance about the consensus of the scholars of the different schools of jurisprudence, that it is obligatory to cover the face at times when temptation and corruption are widespread. Undoubtedly, our current.. More

  • Malicious Allegations Against the Hijab - III

    Someone may say, "Wearing the Hijab (Islamic covering) approved by the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) while satisfying all its conditions in those countries where women do not wear the Hijab in this manner, or do not wear it at all, features seeking fame and this is disapproved under Sharee‘ah." Refutation: The essential reason.. More

  • Malicious Allegations Against Hijab – II

    The third allegation: A woman may say, "I am embarrassed to wear the Sharee‘ah-approved Hijab (wearing an outer garment which descends from above the head to cover the whole body including the face and other parts of the body)." It should be said to such a woman: when the non-observant people boast of their acts of disobedience and.. More

  • Malicious Allegations Against Hijab – I

    It is well known that the struggle between mankind and the devil is an old one, which will continue until Allah The Almighty inherits the earth and everything on it. The devil exploits man's weaknesses and uses them in enticing him, inspiring impermissible hopes and wishes in him and whispering to him until man finally responds to him and does what.. More

  • Rewards and Benefits of Virtuous Deeds in the Quran and Sunnah

    The Quran speaks about performing virtuous deeds as well as their reward and effect on the community in many verses: • It is a sign of success, Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {“O you who have believed! Bow down, and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord and do good, that you may be successful.”} [Quran, 24: 77] • Allah.. More

  • Sa'ad Ibn Abi Waqqaas

    We are now in a small town in a narrow valley. There is no vegetation, no livestock, no gardens, and no rivers. Desert after desert separates the town from the rest of the world. During the day, the heat of the sun is unbearable and the nights are still and lonely. Tribes flock to it like animals in the open country flock to a waterhole. No government.. More

  • The Vast Mercy of Allah The Almighty - I

    Mercy is one of the attributes of Allah The Almighty. It is from the mercy of Allah The Almighty that calamities and trials expiate one's sins, and a believer is rewarded for showing patience through these calamities. Another aspect that manifests the mercy of Allah The Almighty is that He conceals our sins and faults in this life and forgives them.. More

  • The Dilemma of Ill Thoughts

    The disease of ill thoughts is one of the most fatal diseases that can destroy individuals and communities. Once it becomes deep-rooted in the soul of a person, it destroys all ties of intimacy and affection, and it incites hatred and resentment. Some people, whose hearts are morally diseased, only look at others through dark glasses. For them, all.. More

  • Benefits of Seeking Forgiveness

    Do you want to have peace of mind, reassurance, and joy? You should ask for the forgiveness of Allah, The Almighty. Allah, The Almighty, Says (what means): {And [saying], "Seek Forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He Will Let you enjoy a good provision} [Quran 11: 3] Do you want to have a strong body and be healthy, and be free.. More