There are 910 articles

  • Lessons of the Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah

    The following are some of the deeds that one should be keen on doing at all times and especially in these blessed days: 1) Praying in congregation: prayer is of a great value. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) said: "The head of the matter (religion) is Islam, its pillar is the prayer and its highest peak is Jihaad in the Cause of Allah.".. More

  • Health tips for Hajj

    We all want to go...just once. But, unfortunately, many of us are plagued with those nagging questions: the what-if and how-to of our concern. Although there are many wonderful books available on the subject that we may have studied, it always helps to have some useful tips before embarking on the trip of a lifetime. We all know that, during Hajj,.. More

  • The Qubaa’ Mosque

    The Qubaa’ Mosque is considered one of the glorified mosques in Islam; it was the first mosque that was ever built in Al-Madeenah Al-Munawwarah. The Prophet, , himself placed its first stones and took part in building it when he was staying with Banu ‘Amr ibn ‘Awf. The Prophet, sallallaahu‘alayhi wa sallam, used to visit it.. More

  • The Conference Legislated by Allah

    When Muslims sight the crescent of the month of Thul-Hijjah, they leave for the House of Allah from every distant place and remote country. They come on foot, riding camels, by ships and planes in order to witness the divine Islamic conference that Allah has prescribed witnessing once in one's life in order to bring hearts together for His sake, fraternize.. More

  • Hajj: Obtaining Benefits of this World and the Hereafter

    For the true Muslim, this life is no more than a passage to the Hereafter, and the Muslim only needs this life to achieve his ultimate purpose, which is success in the Hereafter. In this sense, the Muslim should not isolate himself from the rest of the world to live in a distant corner or in a shell; rather, he should interact and live his life to use.. More

  • The Status of Hajj in Islam

    Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam; Allah, The Exalted, ordained it in the ninth year after Hijrah (the Prophet's, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, migration from Makkah to Madeenah), according to the preponderant opinion. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {…And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House—for whoever is.. More

  • School of Faith in Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah

    The believing human self needs strong provocations in order to awaken whenever it is enveloped by laziness in relation to performing acts of worship and whenever it is impaired by a tendency of seeking pleasure. Amidst the increasing worldly crowdedness of distractions, issues that make one heedless, and pure material gains, the soul of the believer.. More

  • Questions about Black Stone

    1- Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, “No inanimate object can be kissed or given salutations except for the Black Stone.” 2- Kissing the Black Stone is an act of worship that is done by only one person at that moment. 3- Some hadiths stated: The Black Stone was sent down (to earth) from Paradise. But their.. More

  • What One Must Know before Hajj – The Fiqh Provisions of a Pilgrim

    There is no doubt that continuous eagerness of the hearts to Hajj is the fruit of the answer of Allah to the call of Ibrahim, may Allaah exalt his mention. Allah Almighty says (what means): {And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass.} [Quran 22:27].. More

  • To Witness Benefits for Themselves

    From there…and in the shade of the first House of worship established for mankind – blessed and a guidance for the worlds, pure and fresh fragrance brightens the heart of the believer and his soul recalls memories that symbolize light in the extreme darkness of the night. From there, from the submissive hearts, the flowing tears and the.. More

  • Story of Pilgrim Who Did Not Perform Hajj

    I recollected the memories of Hajj, ‘Arafat, Muzdalifah, and the farewell Tawaaf (circumambulation)… My imagination wandered to the throwing of pebbles… Suddenly, tears poured from my eyes… These are unforgettable memories… I cannot go for Hajj this year due to some circumstances… I tried to overcome these.. More

  • Virtue of Day of ‘Arafah and State of Righteous Predecessors Therein

    All praise is due to Allah only, and may His blessings and peace be upon the Messenger after whom there are no Messengers. The day of ‘Arafah is among the most virtuous days. On that day, supplications are answered, sins are forgiven, and Allah boasts to the angels of the people of ‘Arafat. It is a day that Allah granted a great value to.. More

  • Common Errors in Hajj and Umrah

    First: Errors Related to Ihram: Some pilgrims bypass the designated Station of ihram on their route without either being in Ihram or entering into ihram there, proceeding until they reach Jeddah or some other place within the precincts of the Stations, at which they enter into ihram. This is against the command of Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu.. More

  • The Many Virtues of Hajj – II

    * After the pilgrim starts saying, “Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk (Here I am at Your Service, O Allah, here I am)” at the Meeqaat (station from where one enters into the state of Ihraam), he must not continue sinning further, having responded to his Lord’s call. When he says it he should think of it as, “I am responding to Your.. More

  • The Many Virtues of Hajj - I

    There are numerous Ahadeeth (narrations) that talk about the virtues of Hajj and its great reward. Some of these are: * Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “From one ‘Umrah to another is an expiation for the sins committed between them, and the accepted Hajj has.. More