There are 910 articles

  • The Farewell Hajj: Discussing Human Rights - III

    … Continued The Prophet, sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) did not leave out women in his farewell speech; hesaid:“Fear Allah in your dealings with women, for they are entrusted to you.”[Muslim] This shows how Islam honoured the woman as a mother, wife and daughter, taking care of her from her birth until her death. Moreover,.. More

  • The Farewell Hajj: Discussing Human Rights - II

    … Continued Today’s civilization, more accurately the shockingly materialistic modern civilisation, propagates its own set of principles regarding human rights. It is a fact that these rights are weak, deficient and geared only towards greed, even at the expense of religion and morals. Moreover, these rights are not underpinned by faith,.. More

  • The Farewell Hajj: Discussing Human Rights – I

    On his last (farewell)Hajj, a year before his death, the Prophet,sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,delivered a beautiful, poignantKhutbah(sermon). The principles and ideals mentioned in theKhutbahwere not empty slogans but the same principles that he had propagated from the dawn of Islam, when he was vulnerable, oppressed and with few followers. These.. More

  • Towards the Ancient House

    Shaykh ‘Uthmaan Daabu, may Allah have mercy upon him, comes from the Republic of Gambia in the far west of Africa. He lived to be over eighty years of age. I visited him before his death in his modest house in his small village near the city of Banjol. He spoke to me about his long journey fifty years ago to the Ancient House (i.e., the Ka'bah).. More

  • What Is After Hajj?

    All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon His honest Messenger. The season of Hajj is a noble season. People during this season are either a pilgrim performing Hajj or one who is not. The pilgrim witnessed the holy sites; he stood at ‘Arafah supplicating Allah Almighty and humbling himself, returned to.. More

  • The Rituals of Islam and their Effect on our Hearts and Consciences

    Hajj to the House – educational stops: The journey of Hajj is full of lessons and admonishments by which it touches the heart, whispers to the conscience, addresses sentiments and feelings, and moves the mind. The one doing the Hajj will not receive its great reward unless he realizes, learns and contemplates these lessons and admonishments... More

  • Labbayka Allahumma labbayk (In response to Your call, O Allah here I come)

    All perfect praise is due to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be upon Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah, the trustworthy Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, his household, his Companions, and those who supported him. The obligation of Hajj that Allah Almighty has imposed upon His slaves is one of the greatest symbols of Islam. It is one.. More

  • New Birth after Hajj

    In the previous article, we examined the idea of how the pilgrim strove against his self, received the provision of piety, spent money, sustained difficulties so as to get high degrees, and went back as the day that his mother gave birth to him with a white page free of sins. Now how could he blacken it with some sins or return to bad deeds that he.. More

  • Safety: A Miraculous Aspect of Hajj

    The topic ofHajjsafety is an inspiring and soul-stirring subject. Why would it not be when it addresses one of the great signs: The House of Allah. It is a perpetual miracle which calls people to reflect and thus find their way to the Truth and firmly believe that Muhammad,sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,was truly sent by Allah The Almighty as a messenger. I.. More

  • How to Perform Hajj

    There are Three Types of Hajj: 1- Hajj At-Tamattu’ 2- Hajj Al-Qiran 3- Hajj Al-Ifraadh Here, we shall talk about Hajj at-Tamattu’ as it is the most recommended one. In this type of Hajj, one is to perform ‘Umrah during the Hajj months (i.e., Shawwal, Dhul-Qa’dah and the first nine nights of Dhul-Hijjah) and to perform the.. More

  • School of Faith in Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah

    The believing human self needs strong provocations in order to awaken whenever it is enveloped by laziness in relation to performing acts of worship and whenever it is impaired by a tendency of seeking pleasure. Amidst the increasing worldly crowdedness of distractions, issues that make one heedless, and pure material gains, the soul of the believer.. More

  • The Purposes of the Sharee'ah in Hajj

    Allah Almighty did not create us in vain and will not neglect us. Rather, He created us to inhabit the earth and achieve succession on it. This, however, will not be realized unless we become the best Ummah (nation) brought to mankind, and this necessitates purifying the self, which is a persistent enjoiner of evil. The only means to purify the self.. More

  • Lessons Drawn from the Obligation of Hajj - I

    The days of Hajj passed, its rituals are over and most of the pilgrims returned home, carrying the memories of their journey to the House of Allah The Almighty. However, if the rituals of Hajj are over, its benefits and objectives are not and will never come to an end. A Christian missionary once said: Islam will remain the strong rock that will destroy.. More

  • Lessons Drawn from the Obligation of Hajj - II

    The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, also said: - "All of my Ummah will enter Paradise except those who refuse." It was said, "O Messenger of Allah, who are those who refuse?" He said, "Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys me has refused." - "Whoever does any action that is not.. More

  • Contemplations About Hajj - II

    8 - While in Sa'y, contemplate on Hajar, the mother of Ismaa'eel, when she asked her husband Ibraaheem: "Did Allah order you to do this (leaving her and her baby Ismaa'eel in Makkah)? He said: "Yes." Her great response was: "Then He (Allah) will not neglect us!" Think about this great dependence upon Allah when you are in.. More