There are 910 articles

  • Ruling on slaughtering the sacrifice of Tamattu’ before the day of Nahr

    Question I performed Tamattu‘ Hajj last year with some friends of mine. We gave some money to one of us and deputized him to slaughter on our behalf on the day of Nahr, but he slaughtered before the day of Nahr without informing us. What is the ruling on what he did? Is our Hajj valid? Are we liable to slaughter another sacrifice? If the answer.. More

  • Hijaamah (Cupping) does not affect the validity of Hajj

    Question What is the preponderant opinion concerning the effect of Hijaamah (cupping) on Ihram? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. Hijaamah (cupping) means making an incision.. More

  • Illnesses that prevent fulfilling the condition of capability in Hajj

    Question What are the conditions and criteria of the illness that prevents from Hajj? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. The illnesses and disabilities that prevent the obligation.. More

  • The State of Salaf in the First Ten Days Thul-Hijjah - II

    By Sultaan ibn Fahd At-Tubayshi Fourth, the remembrance of Allah in them:The righteous predecessors, may Allah have mercy on them, used to intensify their remembrance of Allah during these ten days: 1. Mujaahid narrated that Ibn ‘Umar and Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with them, used to go out to the marketplace during the first ten days.. More

  • The State of Salaf in the First Ten Days Thul-Hijjah - I

    By Sultaan ibn Fahd At-Tubayshi All Praise be to Allah, and I bear witness that no one is worthy to be worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger. The month of Thul-Hijjah is a noble month and a great season. It is the month of Hajj, the month.. More

  • Hajj at Home

    Every day when I go to pick up my kids at our local Islamic school, I walk past a large photo image of the Ka'bah, surrounded by swarming white-clothed pilgrims desperate to have their hearts cleansed and prayers answered by the Almighty Allah. I remember when my oldest daughter was two, she used to point to the picture and say "Ka'bah" in.. More

  • ‘Arafaat

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass -that they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the Name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat of them and.. More

  • The Day of ‘Arafah

    The blessed ten days of Thul-Hijjah are honored and distinguished with the Day of ‘Arafah. Indeed the Day of ‘Arafah is one of the greatest days in the sight of Allah The Exalted, a day when Allah The Almighty forgives sins and wrongdoings, fulfills supplications and boasts of His slaves to the inhabitants of Heaven. Additionally, the blessed.. More

  • Hajj: A Crash Course in Discipline

    Discipline is the set of practical behavior that one practices during one's daily routine. Islamic rulings in essence are disciplinary in nature, since they all aim at disciplining the human being according to a divine method that befits his nature and makes him acquainted with the Rights of Allah over him, the rights of himself, the rights of others.. More

  • Entering Makkah intending to perform `Umrah (lesser-Hajj) takes the same ruling as that of the Makkans

    Question I live in Jeddah and have daughters who live in Makkah. Sometimes I visit them and stay in Makkah for a week or two. I am now in Makkah and want to perform ‘Umrah so should I return to Jeddah to assume Ihraam or just do the same as the people of Makkah? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there.. More

  • Performing Hajj with money donated by western countries

    Question I am studying in a western country at the expense of my home country and my family lives with me. The country where I study offers financial aid to us because we have children. Is it permissible for me and my wife to perform Hajj with this money noting that I fulfill all the needs of my family because the financial grant secures an acceptable.. More

  • Performing Hajj or In-Vitro fertilization first?

    Question My husband and I have been married for four years but we do not have any children. We went to a doctor and she told us that we need to perform an In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure if we are to have a child. We have not yet performed Hajj and only have enough money to cover the costs of either the IVF, which is very expensive, or our obligation.. More

  • A Hajj funded by the contributions of Muslim and non-Muslim staff

    Question What is the ruling of a Hajj where the expenses are funded by the company in which a person works? Please note that the expenses are collected by deducting shares from staff that includes Muslim and Christian members. I have paid shares of my salary to this fund and many employees have performed Hajj from its money before. Fatwa All perfect.. More

  • Visiting Al-Masjid Al-Haraam every five years

    Question Is it due on a Muslim to visit Al-Masjid Al-Haraam at least every five years? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger. A Muslim is not required to visit Al-Masjid Al-Haraam (i.e... More

  • Husband swears to divorce her if she performs Hajj

    Question My husband swore to divorce me if I leave for Hajj. Please note that I am over sixty and have not previously performed Hajj. Should I obey him? What should I do? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, is His.. More