There are 192 articles

  • Disassociation from Polytheism and Polytheists

    One of the unequivocal duties that are explicitly stated in the texts of the Quran and the authentic Prophetic Ahadeeth (narrations) is the obligation of disassociation from polytheism and the polytheists. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their.. More

  • Paradise is for People of Determination

    Aiming for days in Paradise – this ought to be our focus in the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah; the Paradise of closeness and connection with Allah The Great and Most High, wherein we feel the impact of its warmth and bliss in our hearts; the Paradise of closeness, longing, repentance, devotion, and tranquility. However, reaching Paradise has.. More

  • 'We Ransomed Him with a Great Sacrifice'

    The Messengers and Prophets of Allah The Exalted are the best of creatures. Allah The Exalted chose them and rendered them role models for us to follow on their footsteps. Among the Prophets who were mentioned many times in the Noble Quran is Ibraaheem, may Allaah exalt his mention. He is the father of all the Prophets, the Imam (leader) of monotheists.. More

  • Hajj: A Season for Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil - II

    Violations of the rules of Sharee’ah (Islamic law) differ according to their degree; some of them imply Shirk (polytheism), some lead to it, others imply failure to do what ought to be done, i.e. neglect in carrying out acts of worship, and others constitute errors in the rituals of Hajj. This is a brief account of these violations of Sharee’ah.. More

  • Hajj: A Season for Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil-I

    People come from all over the world to Al-Masjid Al-Haraam during the Hajj. They visit the House of Allah The Almighty with hearts throbbing with yearning and longing. However, anyone who observes these pilgrims would find that many of them commit grave violations of the rules of Sharee’ah (Islamic law). We are sure that these pilgrims commit.. More

  • Understanding the Rites of ‘Eed Al-Adh-ha - II

    Sacrifice on behalf of the dead is of three types: The first type is when the sacrifice is slaughtered on behalf of people who are alive. For instance, a man might slaughter a sacrifice for himself and his family including the dead among them, as the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to slaughter a sacrifice and say that it is for.. More

  • Understanding the Rites of ‘Eed Al-Adh-ha - I

    During the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah, the Islamic Ummah lives through great days and virtuous nights that are full of the remembrance of Allah The Almighty and praising Him. Pilgrims go to Makkah individually and in groups from all over the world by air, sea and land. They represent a great scene of servitude to Allah The Almighty as pilgrims.. More

  • ‎The Relationship Between ‘Aqeedah and Sacrifice‎

    The act of offering a sacrifice (i.e., slaughtering an animal) has a great status in the Quran and the Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in both his sayings and deeds. ‎This is because it is one of the greatest forms of servitude which is highly appreciated by Allah The Almighty. ‎ Slaughtering a sacrificial.. More

  • Understanding the Rites of ‘Eed Al-Adh-ha - III

    If a person bought a sheep and it fell and broke its foot without negligence on his part, it is permissible to slaughter it and it will be sufficient for him. However, if it was broken as a result of something that he did such as tying it too tightly or out of negligence, he must replace it with a similar one. What should be done with Udh-hiyah? You.. More

  • Social Wisdoms in Hajj – II

    By Shaykh Mahmood ‘Ali Ahmad That is Hajj; travel and journey, and movement, Tawaaf and Sa‘y in which one walks fast and then walks slowly, to the extent that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, took from Tawaaf a means to terrorize the polytheists and show the strength of the Muslims during the compensatory ‘Umrah... More

  • Social Wisdoms in Hajj - I

    By Shaykh Mahmood ‘Ali Ahmad Allah Has Created people to be different in their living; some are rich and some poor, some well-off, affluent and high-esteemed, and others indigent, miserable and astray in life. That is great wisdom decreed by Allah, so that people would exchange work, cooperate with one another, and use one another to achieve.. More

  • Hajj at Home

    Every day when I go to pick up my kids at our local Islamic school, I walk past a large photo image of the Ka'bah, surrounded by swarming white-clothed pilgrims desperate to have their hearts cleansed and prayers answered by the Almighty Allah. I remember when my oldest daughter was two, she used to point to the picture and say "Ka'bah" in.. More

  • Hajj: A Crash Course in Discipline

    Discipline is the set of practical behavior that one practices during one's daily routine. Islamic rulings in essence are disciplinary in nature, since they all aim at disciplining the human being according to a divine method that befits his nature and makes him acquainted with the Rights of Allah over him, the rights of himself, the rights of others.. More

  • The Journey of a Pilgrim

    He leaves his house happy and contented. He has pledged to his Lord to try hard to make his Hajj Mabroor (i.e., accepted by Allah The Almighty, performed with the intention of seeking His pleasure only and not to show off, without committing a sin and in accordance with the traditions of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). He dreams of.. More

  • An ‎Admonishment to the Ummah of Islam‎

    During this great season, as Muslims around the world prepare to perform the Hajj, an act of worship that entails multiple obligations, we would like to address and admonish the pilgrims. Will they return as they were before Hajj, without reforming their relationship with Allah The Almighty in all their affairs, without adhering to the rulings of.. More