There are 192 articles

  • Lessons Drawn from Hajj - I

    To be continued … There are many lessons that can be drawn from this great pillar which is the fifth pillar of Islam that includes different kinds of physical and financial acts of worship. The pilgrim performs Hajj in person and performs all the rites of Hajj such as Tawaaf, Sa’y, standing at ‘Arafah, spending the night at Al-Muzdalifah,.. More

  • Lessons for the Family Derived from the Journey of Hajj - III

    The Meeting of the First Spouses on Earth The place of standing in ‘Arafah reminds us of the meeting of the first spouses on earth, namely that of Aadam and Hawwaa’ after their descent to the earth. This provides a lesson that confirms the relation of affection and mercy between the spouses and the emotion of love and longing between.. More

  • Lessons for the Family Derived from the Journey of Hajj - II

    An Amazing Motherhood Haajar and her infant quickly ran out of the little provisions and water they had. She had to start her hard journey and face her calamity in the middle of the barren desolate desert. Her infant Ismaa‘eel became thirsty to the extent that he cried out of dreadful thirst. Thus, she ran searching for water between the mountains.. More

  • Lessons for the Family Derived from the Journey of Hajj - I

    Hajj is an educational ritual and a historical divine journey with ancient origins that go back to the source of the ancient House. Allah The Almighty Says when describing the tasks of pilgrims (what means): {Then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows and perform Tawaaf [circumambulation] around the ancient House.} [Quran 22:29] Hajj.. More

  • Why We Don’t Go to Hajj - II

    Even with the high cost of a Hajj trip, with all the accommodations and fees and services, the irony of the Western Muslim family is that many actually do have the financial ability to go to Hajj. The problem for them is not how much money they have but how much is left over. These families have plenty of money, praise is (due) to Allah, but their.. More

  • Why We Don’t Go to Hajj - I

    Each year, millions of people around the world travel by land, sea and air to make the obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah. We know friends and family that are going to Hajj and we make sure to wish them well at the Mosque or even see them off at the airport. Sometimes we make special house calls to visit a friend at home before he leaves; we ask that he.. More

  • Mentioning the Name of Allah During Slaughter Keeps Meat Completely Free from Germs

    The meat of an animal that is slaughtered by mentioning Bismillaah ("In the Name of Allah") and Takbeer ("Allahu Akbar") is completely free of all disease-causing germs, while the meat that does not have the Name of Allah mentioned when it is slaughtered is full of germs and congested with blood. A team of researchers and university.. More

  • Important Etiquettes of Hajj

    Performing Hajj to the House of Allah The Almighty entails following certain etiquettes. If the pilgrim observes and fulfills these etiquettes, he would return, Allah willing, having a great number of good rewards and accepted deeds. Amongst them are: One should start by repenting sincerely of all sins and misdeeds. A pilgrim should set right any.. More

  • Hidden Wisdom Underlying the Rituals of Hajj

    The rituals of the Hajj entail great wisdom and excellent lessons, the most important of which is a manifestation of humility to Allah The Almighty. This is because the pilgrim leaves a life of luxury and adornment to wear the clothes of Ihraam, declaring his dire need for his Lord. In this journey, he frees himself from the worldly life and its occupations.. More

  • Lessons from Hajj and the First Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah

    This article is not about the Islamic ruling on Hajj, its rationale, manners, conditions, description, prohibitions and fruits, although this information is vital for each and every Muslim, especially those who intend to perform Hajj so that they can perform this act of worship properly. It is also not about the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah and the.. More

  • Hajj: The Global Conference of the Ummah

    We are all familiar with global summits and conferences during which presidents and other heads of state meet. Besides, foreign ministers, ministers of defense or others meet during other conferences. In the professional context, there are conferences for physicians, others for engineers and the same for other professions. For each of these conferences,.. More

  • Manifestations of Tawheed in Hajj - III

    The Fourth Occasion: The pilgrim, during his Hajj, does many things, whose underlying wisdom he may not know about, other than the realization of servitude and surrender to Allah The Almighty, and following the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. All of this helps him develop piety within himself. For instance, kissing the Black.. More

  • Manifestations of Tawheed in Hajj - II

    The third occasion: The Talbiyah continues with the pilgrim from the very moment he assumes Ihraam for Hajj until he throws Jamrat Al-‘Aqabah on the ‘Eed day. It is the eternal call, in which the servant announces his response to the call of his Creator proclaimed by Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allaah exalt his mention, as stated by Allah.. More

  • Manifestations of Tawheed in Hajj - I

    Hajj is one of the greatest acts of worship, because of which a great reward has been ordained for the one whose Hajj is Mabroor (i.e., accepted by Allah The Almighty, as being done with sincerity to Allah The Almighty, and compatibility with the guidance of the Messenger of Allah). In confirmation of this, the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi.. More

  • Hajj and Inner Peace - II

    … Continued All these forms and others come under the category of wronging one another. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {The cause is only against the ones who wrong the people….} [Quran 42:42] If you are tempted by your position or power to wrong people, remember the power of Allah The Almighty over you. Perpetrating this type.. More