There are 910 articles

  • Travel for Worship Is Specific to the House of Allah

    Allah The Almighty has made Hajj obligatory for His slaves only once and has made it one of the five pillars of Islam. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) said: "Islam is built on five (pillars)." He mentioned Hajj to the Sacred House of Allah as one of these pillars. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {…And [due].. More

  • Transgressions Regarding the Issues of Sighting the Crescent and Throwing Pebbles ‎‎‎‎

    ‎‎Blessed seasons are blessings from Allah The Almighty to His slaves so that the righteous among them would do more righteous deeds and those who have committed sins would repent. These seasons are considered provisions for those heading towards Allah The Almighty and the Hereafter. The deprived person is the one who deviates from the right.. More

  • The Married Couple in Hajj - I

    All praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may He exalt the mention of our Prophet Muhammad, the master of all people, from the former to the latter, and all his family and Companions. Hajj is indeed a great pillar of Islam. Allah The Almighty enjoins it upon His Slaves Saying (what means): {…And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage.. More

  • The Married Couple in Hajj - II

    The Expenses of Hajj: The husband is not obliged to pay the expenses of Hajj for his wife unless this is stipulated in the marriage contract. His eminence Shaykh Ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy upon him, was asked, "Is the husband obliged to pay the expenses of Hajj for his wife?" He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, answered, "The.. More

  • The Married Couple in Hajj - III

    Going for Hajj During ‘Iddah (the post-marriage waiting period): Allah The Almighty holds in great esteem the right of the husband. Therefore, He has prescribed upon the wife the period of ‘Iddah after the death of her husband during which she may not go for Hajj, for she is obliged to stay at home at that time. If she goes for Hajj but.. More

  • The Married Couple in Hajj - IV

    Covering the Face for a Woman in a State of Ihraam: Dear husband, your wife is a well-protected pearl that should not be seen by strange non-Mahram men. You are obliged to order her to wear Hijaab. However, in the state of Ihraam, she must not cover her face. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "A woman in the state of Ihraam.. More

  • To Those Heading For Makkah, Longing Relieves Discomfort - I

    Many people think that Hajj has become difficult in this age because of the overwhelming crowds. They assume that the discomfort resulting from a certain problem requires certain types of dispensations and concessions, which were not mentioned by the people of knowledge and insight among the righteous predecessors nor did competent contemporary scholars.. More

  • To Those Heading For Makkah, Longing Relieves Discomfort - II

    … Continued There are many stories that prove that Hajj was never an easy task and that the extensions of the Sacred House, the spread of general security in the land and the inventions of the modern age caused a great deal of facilitation and that crowdedness is not something new or a problem from which our predecessors did not suffer. In the.. More

  • Beyond Rituals: The Ultimate Goals and Intents of Hajj – III

    Submitting to Allah: Going all the Way A Muslim is, by definition, one that honors the Religion of Allah and places it before anything else. He or she never allows contradicting human's views to take precedence over Allah's Commands. A Muslim sees the Sharee'ah (Islamic Law) as infallible; accepts and submits to all of its dictations even when it is.. More

  • Beyond Rituals: The Ultimate Goals and Intents of Hajj – II

    Emigrating to Allah One may look at Hajj as a physical-spiritual journey to Allah, because in essence, a pilgrim parts with his loved ones, wealth and work and heads to the Sacred Places hoping for Allah's reward and forgiveness. Hajj is also a way of commitment in which one demonstrates his/her determination to freeing one's self from wrong and bad,.. More

  • Beyond Rituals: The Ultimate Goals and Intents of Hajj – I

    Allah Almighty Says in the Noble Quran (what means): {And proclaim to the people Hajj [the pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass. That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the Name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So.. More

  • The Art of Hajj - I

    All perfect praise is due to Allah, and may He exalt the mention of the final Prophet, after whom there will be no others. The season of Hajj is coming and its blessed days have approached us. They are witnesses to what people will fill them with. Some people will fill them with good deeds: great acts that draw one closer to Allah such as prayers,.. More

  • The Art of Hajj - II

    … Continued The first lesson: Hajj is for the sake of Allah, Lord of the Worlds: This is the cornerstone of this school. It is a clear declaration and the great news of devotion to the unity of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. It is declaring Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) from the first moment of performing the rituals till the last moment when.. More

  • The Art of Hajj - III

    … Continued The third lesson: Accurate standards and criteria. Pilgrims gather in one place despite their differences in nationalities, colors and languages. They wear the same clothes, worship the same Lord, share water and bread, and neighbor one another in residence, overnight stay, and travelling in these sacred places. The western Muslim.. More

  • The Black Stone - I

    At the heart of the area of Tawaaf (circumambulation), heads and hands crowd around a large, oval, polished silver-framed stone whose color approaches black. People throng together in order to kiss this stone, which is about one and half meters above the ground in the south east corner of the Ka'bah. Muslims believe that this stone will have a tongue.. More