There are 910 articles

  • Hajj to the House: Virtues and Secrets - II

    … Continued From the virtues of Hajj: Islam states that a person is rewarded in accordance to the hardship he undergoes, and thus, since Hajj is one of the hardest acts of worship, it has a great reward, high position and several virtues. The virtues of Hajj include: 1- Entering Paradise is the reward of a valid and accepted Hajj: Abu Hurayrah,.. More

  • Hajj to the House: Virtues and Secrets - I

    It is a sign of the infinite mercy of Allah The Almighty towards His slaves that He has legislated for them several acts of obedience, opened the gates of mercy before them, encouraged them to attain His reward and invited them to draw closer to Him. When they do so, in turn, He will love them, and if He loves a slave, He will become his hearing with.. More

  • Al-Multazam: Its Location and Supplication at It - III

    … Continued 4. The narrations of Marfoo’ and Mawqoof Hadeeths: A Marfoo’ narration is one which was said by the Prophet, sallaallhu alayhi wa sallam, while a Mnawqoof narration is one which was said by one of the companions, may Allah be pleased with them. A. The Hadeeth of ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Abi Safwaan, may Allah be pleased.. More

  • Al-Multazam: Its Location and Supplication at It - II

    … Continued D. The fourth opinion is that it is permissible to embrace every part of the Ka’bah. This opinion, though not well-known, is supported by the authentic Sunnah and it indicates that the actions of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, were not with the intention of specifying a certain place, but it was according.. More

  • Al-Multazam: Its Location and Supplication at It - I

    The following are some issues related to "Al-Multazam" 1. The origin of the word: Literally the word Multazam in Arabic means the place to hold on firmly to, and it is the name given to the area between the Black Stone and the door of the Ka’bah. It was called this because people hold on to it firmly, as mentioned in Al-Misbaah.. More

  • Conditions of Hajj by Proxy

    Jurists have Set Forth Conditions for Hajj by Proxy; the Most Important of Which Are: 1) The proxy should have the intention of performing Hajj on behalf of the principal when assuming Ihraam (ritual state of consecration) because he is performing Hajj on behalf of the person authorizing him, not on his own behalf. Thus, this should be his intention... More

  • Why We Don’t Go to Hajj - II

    Even with the high cost of a Hajj trip, with all the accommodations and fees and services, the irony of the Western Muslim family is that many actually do have the financial ability to go to Hajj. The problem for them is not how much money they have but how much is left over. These families have plenty of money, praise is (due) to Allah, but their.. More

  • Why We Don’t Go to Hajj - I

    Each year, millions of people around the world travel by land, sea and air to make the obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah. We know friends and family that are going to Hajj and we make sure to wish them well at the Mosque or even see them off at the airport. Sometimes we make special house calls to visit a friend at home before he leaves; we ask that he.. More

  • Mentioning the Name of Allah During Slaughter Keeps Meat Completely Free from Germs

    The meat of an animal that is slaughtered by mentioning Bismillaah ("In the Name of Allah") and Takbeer ("Allahu Akbar") is completely free of all disease-causing germs, while the meat that does not have the Name of Allah mentioned when it is slaughtered is full of germs and congested with blood. A team of researchers and university.. More

  • Important Etiquettes of Hajj

    Performing Hajj to the House of Allah The Almighty entails following certain etiquettes. If the pilgrim observes and fulfills these etiquettes, he would return, Allah willing, having a great number of good rewards and accepted deeds. Amongst them are: One should start by repenting sincerely of all sins and misdeeds. A pilgrim should set right any.. More

  • Hidden Wisdom Underlying the Rituals of Hajj

    The rituals of the Hajj entail great wisdom and excellent lessons, the most important of which is a manifestation of humility to Allah The Almighty. This is because the pilgrim leaves a life of luxury and adornment to wear the clothes of Ihraam, declaring his dire need for his Lord. In this journey, he frees himself from the worldly life and its occupations.. More

  • Hajj by Proxy - II

    The Majority of Scholars Replied to these Proofs as Follows: 1) Capability can be through others as well as oneself. Ibn Rushd, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, "There are two types of capability: direct or through deputizing someone else." [Bedaayat Al-Mujtahid] 2) Concerning the verse (what means): {And that there is not for man.. More

  • Recommended Actions During the Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah - III

    7- The Udh-hiyyah: The Udh-hiyyah (i.e. the sacrificial animal) was legislated to bring the slave closer to Allah The Almighty and to feed the poor. The Udh-hiyyah is one of the rites of Islam and it is a symbol of sacrifice, and a Sunnah act of Prophet Ibraaheem, may Allaah exalt his mention. It is the most loved deed to Allah The Almighty on the.. More

  • Recommended Actions During the Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah - II

    4- Performing Prayer: ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Prayer is the best deed, so whoever could pray more, should do so.” [Saheeh Al-Jaami‘] It was also narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “No deeds that a son of Aadam does are.. More

  • ‎Recommended Actions During the Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah - I

    ‎The righteous predecessors used to glorify the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah and appreciate their value. It was reported in Lataa’if Al-Ma‘aarif that Abu ‘Uthmaan An-Nahdi, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said,‎ ‎"The righteous predecessors used to glorify three different ten days:‎ ‎the last ten days of Ramadan,.. More